(Table S2 ) I/Ca record of phanerozoic carbonates
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(Table S1) I/Ca ratios of surface sediments
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Foraminiferal I/Ca Measurements from Miocene Sediments
The foraminiferal iodine-to-calcium proxy (I/Ca) can be used to reconstruct regional iodine speciation and redox conditions. This dataset contains new foraminiferal I/Ca... -
Planktic foraminiferal I/Ca ratios from iodine stabalization experiments
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(Table S2) I/Ca ratios, CaCO3 content and stable isotope rates of foraminifer...
New version of doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.869450 uploaded on 2018-08-20 due to upload errors in the first version. -
Record of oxygen stable isotopes and iodine / calcium ratio in planktonic for...
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(Table S2) I/Ca ratios, CaCO3 content and stable isotope rates of foraminifer...
NOTE: On 2018-08-20 it was found, that the data uploaded here for TC493 was shifted compared to the original version. A new and correct version was therefore uploaded, please... -
Record of stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen and iodine / calcium ratio in ...
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Geochemistry of sediment core TN041-8PG and TN041-8JPC from modern sediments ...
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Iodine/calcium ratio measured on benthic foraminifera from modern sediments a...
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I/Ca, N/Ca and S/Ca ratios in regions of interest (ROIs) on cross-sections of...
Raw 127I/40Ca16O, 32S/40Ca16O and 12C14N/40Ca16O ratios, number of measurement planes (n) and errors for different regions of interest (ROIs) on individual recent benthic... -
Individual I/Ca ratios in recent benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian OMZ (...
Mean individual I/Ca ratios, number of measurement spots (n) and errors for recent benthic foraminifera at different sampling sites of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. The... -
I/Ca ratios in recent benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian OMZ (Q-ICP-MS data)
Mean I/Ca ratios, number of measurements (n) and errors for recent benthic foraminifera at different sampling sites of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. The variability... -
Planktic foraminiferal I/Ca, Fe/Ca, Al/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in core top sample...
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I/Ca ratios of different benthic foraminifera during the PETM
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Proxies for paleo-oxygenation: a downcore comparison between benthic foramini...
Benthic foraminiferal surface porosity (the mean percentage of surface area covered by pores; higher porosity: lower oxygenation) and iodine to calcium ratio (I/Ca, higher I/Ca:... -
(Table S) Planktonic foraminifera I/Ca during the PETM
As yet no evidence has been presented for pervasive deoxygenation in the upper water column through expansion of Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) during the PETM. We apply a novel...