Videos of the giant anemone, Relicanthus daphneae, capturing prey (Rimicaris ...
Here we present the discovery of R. daphneae along the southern Central Indian Ridge, at the Rodriguez Triple Junction, and along the northern Southeast Indian Ridge within the... -
SSU+ITS rRNA gene sequences, and associated metadata, of the larger benthic f...
The larger benthic foraminifera species Amphistegina lobifera has been successfully invading the Mediterranean Sea, despite different temperature regimes from their original... -
Megafauna of the German exploration license area for seafloor massive sulfide...
Background: The growing interest in mineral resources of the deep sea, such as seafloor massive sulfide deposits, has led to an increasing number of exploration licenses issued... -
Species determination by OBIS from water samples taken during the PHYCOB crui...
1 L samples for further phytoplankton analysis were collected from Nansen bottles installed on a SeaBird CTD Rosette from 3 layers of the water column (usually surface,... -
Species determination in plankton net (20 µm) concentrates by light microscop...
At each station two vertical net tows were taken from the water column using a 20 μm plankton net (438-030, Hydro-Bios, Kiel, Germany) for analyses of plankton and phycotoxins.... -
Macrobenthic abundance, biomass, productivity and production during POLARSTER...
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Macrobenthic abundance, biomass, productivity and production during POLARSTER...
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Macrobenthic abundance, biomass, productivity and production during POLARSTER...
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Macrobenthic abundance, biomass, productivity and production during POLARSTER...
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Abundance and biomass of Arctic benthic species
While the Arctic may be an inhospitable environment at the surface, the benthos is teaming with life. Even though this wealth of life is known to exist, information on the... -
Demersal fish assemblages in the southeastern Weddell Sea
Our knowledge on distribution, habitats and behavior of Southern Ocean fishes living at water depths beyond scuba-diving limits is still sparse, as it is difficult to obtain... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and taxonomic diversity of benthic communities u...
Here, we explored the effects of ocean acidification on marine benthic communities using DNA metabarcoding to assess the diversity of algae and metazoans. Specifically, we... -
Life history traits of non-indigenous species of the North and Baltic Seas an...
7 Life history traits of NIS of the North and Baltic Seas and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River regions.References for life history traits of NIS of the North and Baltic Seas... -
Data compilation on the biological response to ocean acidification: 2008-2023
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Data compilation on the biological response to ocean acidification: 2008-2021
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TOBB: Canada's three oceans of benthic biodiversity database - species counts
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TOBB: Canada's three oceans of benthic biodiversity database - species presence
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TOBB: Canada's three oceans of benthic biodiversity database - species density
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TOBB: Canada's three oceans of benthic biodiversity database - species coverage
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Macro-species taxonomy measured through a multi-factorial in situ experiment ...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of...