RAD Sequencing of 15 fish species to look for sex markers (demultiplexed reads)
This project regroups demultiplexed RAD reads from male and female individuals for 15 fish species. These reads were used to look for sex markers in each species. -
Lepisosteus oculatus Transcriptome or Gene expression
RNA-Seq data from a number of different Spotted Gar tissues -
RNAseq of the Olfactory Epithelium of basal ray-finned fish
To understand the difference in repertoire of RNA gene expression of the olfactory epithelium among five species of basal ray-finned fish, which do exerience or do not... -
Lepisosteus oculatus Transcriptome
Transcriptome analysis of 11 spotted gar tissues -
Lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar) genome, fLepOcu1, sequence data
The spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) is a freshwater fish native to North America. Its current range is from southern Ontario to the west from the Devils River in Texas east... -
Lepisosteus oculatus genome sequencing
Lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar) genome sequencing -
Ten transcriptome data of jawed vertebrate species Transcriptome or Gene expr...
Sequencing data will help to construct jawed vertebrate phylogenetic tree -
Lepisosteus oculatus Transcriptome or Gene expression
Quantifying expression levels of smallRNAs between tissues in wild-caught Lepisosteus oculatus -
Lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar) transcriptome, fLepOcu2
The spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) is a freshwater fish native to North America. Its current range is from southern Ontario to the west from the Devils River in Texas east... -
16 divergent jawed vertebrate species Targeted Locus (Loci)
A rapid, cost-effective and scalable approach to generate standard sequence data for hundreds of taxa and hundreds of genes