Maximum annual SST estimates during the early LIG (129-124 ka; 189 sites)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
Annual SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
Summary of sediment core sites of water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific o...
Summary of sediment core sites including number of available data for each of the five proxies used. Data columns indicate the site name, longitude (lon, °E), latitude (lat,... -
Downcore Florisphaera profunda
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(Table 2) Mean coccolith lengths and corresponding coccolith carbonate masses...
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Sedimentation rates of surface sediments, a compilation from different sources
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(Table 1) Coccolith percentage of surface sediment samples from the south-eas...
subtr.-trop species group = Discosphaera tubifera, Florisphaera profunda, Gladiolithus flabellatus, Rhabdosphaera clavigera, Syracosphaera spp., Umbellosphaera spp.,... -
Total coccolith abundance, coccolith carbonat and CEX´ of surface sediment sa...
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Organic carbon accumulation, LGM
LGM (Last Glacial Maximum), average value of core section between 19 and 23 kyr BP or nearest sampled core depth -
Organic carbon accumulation, Holocene
Holocene, average value of core section between 4 and 8 kyr BP or nearest sampled core depth -
Dinoflagellates (organic) in surface sediments of the South Atlantic
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Coccolithophorids in surface sediments of the South Atlantic
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Dinoflagellate assemblage in surface sediments of the South Atlantic
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Compilation of 220 sediment core δ¹³C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean
We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle... -
Absolute abundance of coccoliths of sediment core GeoB3603-2
subtr.-trop species group = Discosphaera tubifera, Florisphaera profunda, Gladiolithus flabellatus, Rhabdosphaera clavigera, Syracosphaera spp., Umbellosphaera spp.,... -
Mean coccoliths lengths of sediment core GeoB3603-2
diameter = mean lengths -
Coccolith percentage, relative abundance of sediment core GeoB3603-2
subtr.-trop species group = Discosphaera tubifera, Florisphaera profunda, Gladiolithus flabellatus, Rhabdosphaera clavigera, Syracosphaera spp., Umbellosphaera spp.,... -
Coccolith accumulation rate, diversity and CEX´ of sediment core GeoB3603-2
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Coccolith carbonate mass of sediment core GeoB3603-2
coccolith mass (m) = 2.7 * ks l*3, where 2.7 = calcite density; ks = shape factor; l = coccolith length after Young and Ziveri (2000), Young, J.R., Ziveri, P., 2000. Calculation... -
Coccolith percentage exclusive Emiliania huxleyi of surface sediment samples
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