Compilation of deglacial Southern Ocean planktic foraminiferal d18O data
This dataset contains a compilation of planktic foraminiferal d18O from sediment cores spanning the last deglaciation in the Southern Ocean. The compilation includes 4610 data... -
Stable isotope ratios on G. ruber in sediment core GIK16160-3
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Sea surface temperatures reconstructed from Mg/Ca ratios in sediment core GIK...
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Sea surface temperatures reconstructed from UK37 in sediment core GIK16160-3
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(Table 2) Age determination of sediment core GIK16160-3
We converted 14C ages into calendar ages using CALIB 6 program (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) with the Marine09 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2009). -
Stable hydrogen and carbon isotope records and concentration data for four lo...
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Paleotemperature reconstructions on sediment core GIK161603-3
Different proxies for sea surface temperature (SST) often exhibit divergent trends for deglacial warming in tropical regions, hampering our understanding of the phase... -
Stable hydrogen and carbon isotope records and concentration data for four lo...
Hydrogen isotope values (dD) of sedimentary terrestrial leaf wax such as n-alkanes or n-acids have been used to map and understand past changes in rainfall amount in the tropics... -
W-E gradient reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) by Mg/Ca and oxygen ...
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Reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) by Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope time-...
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Mg/Ca ratio from Globigerinoides ruber white of sediment cores from METEOR Cr...
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δ18O of Globigerinoides ruber white from sediment cores of METEOR Cruise M75/3
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Age determination of sediment cores from METEOR Cruise M75/3
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Calcium carbonate, organic content and Calcium and Titanium counts of sedimen...
High-resolutions (1 cm) down-core profiles of XRF core-scanning Ca and Ti counts from sediment cores GIK16160-3, which was recovered from the Mozambique Margin at 1339 m water...