KRATOS: A large suite of N-body simulations to interpret the stellar kinemati...
The Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC, respectively) are the brightest satellites of the Milky Way (MW) and, for the previous thousands of million years, they have... -
A study of the interfacial width and its effects on fundamental solar cell ba...
The aim of our experiment is to understand the link between interfacial width and the photophysics at the interface to the operation of a polymer solar cell. We propose to... -
Interaction of Lignosulphonates with model surfactant systems by Small Angle ...
With the biobased economy growing substantially and pressure to reduce reliance on palm and crude oil derived materials, it is vital that the Home and Personal Care industry... -
Probing binary mixtures of hard spheres
As part of a larger programme we aim to test densely-packed binary mixtures of monodisperse hard sphere powders to determine local structure, to correlate with ratio of... -
The Glass Transition near the Surface of a Polybutadiene Film
The influence of surfaces and interfaces on the dynamical properties of polymers has been a very active area in recent years. The recently developed low energy muon (LEM)... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
Microwave µSR studies of solids: electron-hole separation by non-thermal micr...
In this proposal we are planning to study free radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons) and interactions of charged species in solids under microwave irradiation. The study... -
Investigation of zwitterionic surfactant, Ca2+ and bio-polymer interactions
We are currently investigating the formation and structure of surfactant-templated polymer films comprised of cat-anionic surfactant mixtures and a variety of polymers. As we... -
Ultra-rapid microwave materials synthesis in-situ; a microwave reactor for ti...
Microwave techniques are of interest to the materials chemistry community as they allow access to new metastable materials, and offer synthetic routes that are considerably... -
Neutron diffraction for improving simulations of base glasses used to vitrify...
The UK nuclear industry is involved in a large effort to decommission nuclear power reactors and safely store radioactive waste. A key process is the vitrification of high level... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction to Mon...
With appropriate storage materials, ammonia has great potential as a fuel. We propose to use a novel piece of equipment, which combines microwave and neutron diffraction...