Abundance of N-cycling genes in an oxygen-deficient upwelling system during L...
Seawater samples were collected with 10-L Niskin bottles in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Concentrations of total N, total P, and gases in an oxygen-deficient upwellin...
Seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruise Maz V (April 2019) on... -
Oceanographic variables and nutrient concentrations in an oxygen-deficient up...
Hydrographic data and seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Prokaryotic community (mayor clades contributing >0.1% of the total 16S rRNA ...
Seawater samples were collected with 10-L Niskin bottles in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Tropical calanoid copepod stable isotope data from the Mexican Pacific
Stable isotope values (δ¹⁵N and δ¹³C) of 20 calanoid copepod species, 3 zooplankton size fractions and seston were assessed from samples obtained monthly between January and... -
Dataset of Polydora sp. infesting natural banks of Nodipecten subnodosus from...
This dataset contains information on the infestation levels of Polydora sp. (Polychaeta, Spionidae) on Nodipecten subnodosus. In seven months between 2014 and 2015, 639 scallops...