Data related to research article "Polybenzoxazines as new photothermal therap...
Raw data of research article "Polybenzoxazines as new photothermal therapy agents". This research paper describes the preparation of molecular and nanostructured polybenzoxazine... -
Biological effects of cytotoxic inflammatory proteins formulated as self-asse...
Data describing the biological effects of cytotoxic inflammatory proteins formulated as self-assembling, protein-only nanoparticles METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of... -
Raw data to support the manuscript with the following scope: Host comparativ...
Raw data of a set of experiments aimed to investigate how recombinant proteins from diffrent cell factories behave in the assembling as protein materials for drug delivery... -
Raw data to support the manuscript with the following intended title: High-p...
Raw data of a set of experiments aimed to target cancer-associated PDGFR-β+ stromal fibroblasts. Generic methodologies used here are similar to those described in doi:... -
Replication Data for: Dual-Mode Polarization Control with Quasi-Bound States ...
The data shows the ratio between the transmitted light through the sample within the metasurface and outside it. It actually gives the transmission values for different... -
Replication Data for: Urease-powered nanobots for radionuclide bladder cancer...
This dataset contains the source data files for the figures of the published paper. The unprocessed raw image data from PET, CT, sLS and MRI are available from the authors upon... -
Replication data for "Hybrid Micro-/Nanoprotein Platform Provides Endocrine-l...
Raw data of a set of experiments aimed to investigate the hybrid micro/nano protein platform that provides endocrine-like and extracellular matrix-like cell delivery of growth... -
Replication data for "Structural stabilization of clinically oriented oligome...
Set of data investigating the structural and oligomeric properties of proteins that take part of Microparticles Leica Application Suite X, 3.5.7 GraphPad Prism, 8.0.2... -
Data about mammalian cell interaction promoted by a recombinan calreticulin
Set of data investigating the cell interactivity of a recombinant calreticulin. 1. Description of methods used for collection-generation of data: In vivo biodistribution: n... -
Repository/Dataset - CdSe-Dot/CdS-Rod/PbS-Dot Nanocrystals by Partial Cation ...
Dataset to the publication V. Mittag et al. Chem. Mater. XXXX, XXX-XXX (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c02553) with the title "CdSe-Dot/CdS-Rod/PbS-Dot Nanocrystals... -
Neutron reflectivity of self-assembled Janus Nanoparticles
Here we propose to study the Janus character of self-assembled amphiphilic nanoparticles. For that amphiphilic core-shell nanoparticles will be synthesized with a surface... -
Fundamentals of Nanotoxicity: The Role of Nanoparticles in Lowering the Energ...
Despite the increasing use of nanoparticles (NPs), our current knowledge of how NPs interact with the human body or the environment remains limited. Of a number of mechanisms, a... -
The electronic structure and magnetic properties of metal nanoparticles stabi...
In recent years, nanoparticles have been a major source of interest in a wide range of fields. Our long term objectives are tuning the free radical reactivity on the surface of... -
Determination of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Hydration Layers on Poro...
INS is an ideal means of probing the complete vibrational density of states of water adsorbed on the surface of metal oxide nanoparticles with minimal interference from the... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Analysis of hydration layers on SnO2 and CoO Nan...
INS provides an ideal probe to determine the vibrational density of states of water confined on the surface of metal-oxide nanoparticles from which the thermodynamic properties... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Investigations of Hydration Layers on Cobalt Oxi...
We propose to collect INS data with TOSCA on nanoparticles of CoO and Co3O4 with different levels of hydration and size to study the effect of these parameters on the heat... -
Probing the Kinetics of Assembly and Triggered Dispersion of Peptide-Function...
Peptide-functionalized nanoparticle (NP) aggregates have significant potential as biosensors (for specific enzymes) due to their high sensitivity, modular design and simple...