Spatiotemporal variation in pCO₂, CH₄, N₂O, DOM, and ancillary water quality ...
Despite growing research on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from inland waters, few systematic efforts have been made to assess the regional-scale GHG emissions from Asian rivers... -
Concentrations of total organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, TOC/DON r...
We tested whether the δ15N values of total dissolved N (TDN), measured directly in solution with a TOC-IRMS, can be used to help elucidate N sources and sinks along the water... -
GEMS-GLORI world river discharge database
The GEMS-GLORI register, circulated by UNEP for review in 1996, lists 555 world major rivers discharging to oceans (Q > 10 km3/year, or A > 10 000 km2, or sediment... -
Water chemistry and catchment data collected from lakes and streams in South ...
This dataset contains measurements of physico-chemical parameters, biofilm, and watershed characteristics from subarctic lakes and streams in the Narsaq area, Greenland,... -
Water chemistry and catchment parameters of streams located in three geograph...
The data contains epilithic biofilm, water chemistry, and catchment data for 28 streams in Greenland. 14 streams in Zackenberg (74°28'N, 20°34'W), between the 20th of August and... -
Old Crow River - Hydrochemistry data for thaw slump upstream, downstream, and...
Hydrochemistry data for thaw slump upstream, downstream, and rill samples, collected between July 21 - 27, 2019. Total and dissolved mercury were measured using oxidation, purge... -
Old Crow River - Hydrochemistry data for tributary creeks, July 2019
Hydrochemistry data for tributary creeks to Old Crow River, collected between July 21 - 27, 2019 Total and dissolved mercury were measured using oxidation, purge and trap, and... -
Old Crow River - Hydrochemistry data for Old Crow River mouth, May to October...
Hydrochemistry data for Old Crow River mouth, collected between May and October, 2019 Total and dissolved mercury were measured using oxidation, purge and trap, and Cold Vapor... -
A decade of nitrate dual stable isotope measurements in the Elbe River (Germany)
We investigated nutrient input and retention in the Elbe River (Germany) at the river/estuarine transition with high agricultural loads of nitrogen. Surface water samples were... -
Nitrogen turnover in the Ems estuary 2020
We measured dissolved and particular inorganic nitrogen and dissolved nitrous oxide concentration in the Ems estuary (Germany). The sampling campaign was conducted on two... -
Measurements of net soil-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange and its oxygen an...
Soils were sampled from 27 sites in western Eurasia during 2016 and 17 sites in northeastern Australia during 2017. Triplicate replicate microcosm incubations were created from... -
Measures of microbial, soil and plant variables of three grass-based agro-eco...
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Daily rainfall and wet dissolved carbon concentration from July to September ...
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and primary productivity and nocturnal carbonate...
We manipulated the carbonate chemistry of intertidal pools to investigate the influence of future ocean acidification on net community production (NCP) and calcification (NCC)... -
Water chemistry of Lagrangian samplings of Inland Elbe 2023 (MOSES Hydrologic...
The MOSES campaign ELBE 2023 covered the whole River Elbe from the source in the Czech Republic, the German freshwater part, the tidal Elbe river, towards the German Bight,...