A decade of nitrate dual stable isotope measurements in the Elbe River (Germany)


We investigated nutrient input and retention in the Elbe River (Germany) at the river/estuarine transition with high agricultural loads of nitrogen. Surface water samples were taken at the weir Geesthacht (stream kilometre 585, 53°25'31''N, 10°20'10''E) from 2011 to 2021. In these samples, we analyzed nutrient concentrations, nitrate dual stable isotopes and suspended particulate matter composition. Usually, samples were taken once or twice per month. Aims of the study were to investigate 1) nitrate retention in the Elbe River and catchment, 2) seasonal dynamic of nitrate stable isotopes and 3) key nitrogen turnover processes and their respective controls over a ten year period.

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.960361
Related Identifier References https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.865348
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.960361
Creator Dähnke, Kirstin; Jacob, Juliane ORCID logo; Schulz, Gesa; Ankele, Markus; Metzke, Marc; Schmidt, Leon; Sanders, Tina ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints); https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 2723 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (10.336 LON, 53.425 LAT); Geesthacht weir, Germany
Temporal Coverage Begin 2011-07-06T06:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2021-06-14T06:00:00Z