OHGDGT global surface sediment data
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Temperature records based on TEX86, TEX86OH, %OH, RI-OH, RI-OH', OHC from sed...
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Methanogen Communities in North America
mcrA sequences from soil samples of 17 peatlands in North America -
The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea OHGDGT surface sediment data
We explore recently developed temperature proxies based on hydroxylated isoprenoid Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (OH-isoGDGTs), such as %OH, RI-OH, RI-OH' and TEX86OH... -
pH Responsive Polymer Blend Surfaces
Polymers, end-functionalised with carboxylic acid (COOH) groups do not normally segregate to film surfaces due to the high surface energy of these functionalities. However, we... -
An investigation of water incorporation in K2NiF4 systems, and phosphate dope...
The drive for increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions has garnered increasing support for the use of fuel cell technology, which offers the potential... -
Distinguishing OH and F in Framework Materials
Our recent work using fluoro- starting materials in fluoro-media in combination with framework forming species such as T(O,F, OH)n (T = Si, P, B and other tetrahedral-forming... -
Graphite Oxide Intercalation: Tailoring Adsorbate Geometry
The search for new porous materials is increasingly driven by a socio-economic pressure to diversify our energy supply and minimize environmental impact. Carbon-based... -
Kinetics of Molecular Intercalation into Graphite Oxide
The search for new porous materials is increasingly be driven by socio-economic pressure to diversify our energy supply and minimize environmental impact. Carbon-based... -
Understanding the skin barrier design: identifying the conformation of cerami...
The stratum corneum layer of the skin acts as a barrier between the body and the external environment. This is achieved by dead corneocytes encased in a lamellar lipid matrix,...