Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 05
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn leven als kind en over de adat. Hij maakt kennis met coöperaties. Hij volgt een opleiding tot bosopziener, en vertrekt naar Kota Radja om daar... -
Field Induced Metamagnetic transition close to Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical...
This proposal addresses the formation of a metamagnetic phase transition in PrPtAl. PrPtAl exhibits induced moment magnetism where singlet-mixing is stabilised by inter-site... -
Field Induced Magnetic Phase Transition close to Ferromagnetic QCP's
This proposal addresses the formation of a metamagnetic phase transition in PrPtAl. PrPtAl exhibits induced moment magnetism where singlet-mixing is stabilised by inter-site... -
Low energy excitations in PrPtAl
Magnetically modulated structures have been predicted to form close to quantum critical points in a number of recent theories, although there are no experimental examples of...