Radiosonde measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS118
The launch site is located 10m above sea level. The first row of each sounding holds surface data for TTT, RH, ff and dd, which is not acquired by the radiosonde. The measuring... -
Sea ice-related diatoms of sediment core PS118_63-1
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Organic geochemistry and biomarkers of sediment core PS118_63-1
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Radiosonde raw data measured during POLARSTERN cruise PS118, links to files
The meteorological observatory Polarstern continuously performs radiosoundings during times of ship operation. Typically, there is one launch to full altitude at 12 UTC every... -
OHGDGT global surface sediment data
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Sediment characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TOC, TN, δ13C, δ15N, grain size) at fo...
This dataset contains abiotic and biotic data from sediment samples from four sites in the northwestern Weddell Sea. Data are provided for sediment pigments (chlorophyll a and... -
Biotic water-column characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TC, TN, δ13C, δ15N) at four...
This dataset contains biotic data from water-column samples taken with Niskin bottles mounted on a CTD rosette from four sites in the northwestern Weddell Sea. Data are provided... -
Polychaete families in sediment samples from the Antarctic Peninsula and the ...
This dataset provides abundance data for polychaete families determined from sediment samples collected around the Antarctic Peninsula (PS 81, seven stations, 22 Jan–18 Mar... -
New GDGT-based temperature calibration for the Southern Ocean
This is a collection of 137 sites (Lamping et al., 2021; Ho et al., 2014; Jaeschke et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2010) in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean south of the SAF,... -
Collection of OH-GDGTs-based temperatures of the Pacific sector of the Southe...
This dataset contains three new sites of OH-GDGTs in the Drake Passage and refers to Figure 14 in the corresponding publication. It is supplemented by previously published sites... -
Solid phase data surface sediments retrieved from the eastern continental she...
During the PS118 research cruise with the German research vessel RV POLARSTERN (Feb 2019- April 2019), sediments were collected with a multicorer from 7 stations along a 400... -
Pore-water geochemistry of surface sediments retrieved from the eastern conti...
During the PS118 research cruise with the German research vessel RV POLARSTERN (Feb 2019- April 2019), sediments were collected with a multicorer from 7 stations along a 400... -
Oxygen profiles of surface sediments retrieved from the eastern continental s...
During the PS118 research cruise with the German research vessel RV POLARSTERN (Feb 2019- April 2019), sediments were collected with a multicorer from 7 stations along a 400... -
Satellite derived sea-ice distributions from the West Antarctic continental s...
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Modelled sea-ice patterns and sea surface temperatures for the Antarctic cont...
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Biomarker concentrations in marine surface sediment samples from West Antarct...
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Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_69-...
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Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_77-...
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Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_81-...
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Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_8-1...
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