5' RACE transcriptome analysis of major representative deuterostome bilateria...
5'-RACE transcriptomic analysis of mRNA 5'-terminal sequences in representative deuterostome species in order to assess the phylogenetic distribution of spliced-leader (SL)... -
Heart Chamber Evolution Reveals Roles of Gene/Genome Duplications on Continuo...
We sequenced at mRNA level in adult hearts of zebrafish, pamprey and sea squirt. Combined with other 11 vertebrate heart RNA-Seq data online, we conducted comprehensive... -
This project investigates incipient resistance in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) that has been treated with the highly-effective pesticide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol... -
Petromyzon marinus comparative sequencing of DNA from different tissues
Comparative sequencing of different tissues DNA of Petromyzon marinus -
Petromyzon marinus raw sequence reads (6 samples multiplexed)
Using a long-read next-generation sequencing, we describe an approach to explore the variable lymphocyte receptor B (VLRB) antibody repertoire of jawless vertebrates. We... -
Sea Lamprey transcriptomic response to copper
Copper is a common aquatic toxicant that is known to impair the olfactory system in fish. Sea lamprey, a species of conservation concern in its native areas of Europe and a... -
Gonadal transcriptomic analysis during different stages of gonadal developmen...
The first goal of this study is to identify sex and stage-specific novel and known genes involved in gonad differentiation and development in sea lamprey. The second goal is to... -
Petromyzon marinus Meiotic Mapping
Petromyzon marinus Meiotic Mapping -
Maternal to paternal epigenome reprogramming during early sea lamprey (Petrom...
Maternal to paternal epigenome reprogramming during early sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) development Overall design: Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing in lamprey adult brain,... -
Petromyzon marinus whole brainstem RNA-Seq: GABA treatment and control
RNA sequencing of the marine lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) brainstem after GABA treatment and in control conditions following complete spinal cord injury. -
Genome sequencing of the sea lamprey
<p>The sea lamprey genome is expected to be sequenced at 4- to 6-fold coverage.</p> -
scRNA-seq of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) brain regions
scRNA-seq was used in order to produce a cell type atlas of the larval and adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) brain. This resource enabled us to reveal the cell type... -
Sea Lamprey (P. marinus) larval RAD-capture sequences
RAD-capture sequencing of larval sea lamprey in several streams in the Great Lakes. The SNPs generated from the data were used to reconstruct pedigrees and estimate the... -
Bulk tissue RNA-seq of different sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) organs
Strand-specific RNA-seq libraries from different sea lamprey tissues (brain, heart, liver, kidney, ovary, testis) were produced in order to enhance the genome annotation for... -
Sea lamprey biliary atresia research
In infant biliary atresia, a rare disease in newborns, patients often die within the first few years without treatment. A striking contrast is found in lampreys, a group of... -
Gene expression in the olfactory epithelia of parasitic and reproductive adul...
To determine gene expression differences in the olfactory epithelium of sea lamprey between sequential yet behaviorally distinct adult life history stages Overall design: 2... -
An ancient evolutionary mechanism for the regulation of hemoglobin expression...
In all jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata) studied to date, one of the hemoglobin gene clusters is linked to the widely expressed Nprl3 gene. Where examined, introns of Nprl3... -
Targeted sequencing of lamprey PRC2 crispant embryos
Sequencing of target sites in control and crispant embryos for SUZ12, EED and EZH genes -
Genome-scale methylome analysis of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus
Whole Genome Busulfite Sequencing of Sea Lamprey Heart, Muscle and Sperm -
Petromyzon marinus genome sequencing project
Animal number 11 provided by Dr. Marianne Bronner-Fraser at the California Institute of Technology source DNA available from Dr. Weiming Li (liweim@msu.edu) at the Department of...