European Values Study 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data Study is part of a EVS longitudinal study that focuses on values in European countries. The dataset... -
Social Survey Austria 2018 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the fifth wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
The European Values Study - Austrian COVID-19 Special Edition 2021-22 Includi...
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many people’s lives and interrupted their normal course of life. The present study thus examines... -
Religion in the lives of Austrians 2020
The importance of religions and attitudes to religious and other ideological issues was surveyed among the Austrian population. This survey is a comparative study on cultural... -
Religion in the lives of Austrians 2000 - 2010 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The importance of religions and attitudes to religious and other ideological issues was surveyed among the Austrian population. This survey is a... -
European Values Study 2018 Austria (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 2018 Austria study is part of a EVS 2018 study that focuses on values in European countries. This is the 4th wave, adding to the 1990,... -
European Values Study 2018 Austria (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 2018 Austria study is part of a EVS 2018 study that focuses on values in European countries. This is the 4th wave, adding to the 1990,... -
European Values Study 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 1990-2018 Austria Longitudinal Data Study is part of a EVS longitudinal study that focuses on values in European countries. The dataset... -
Social Survey Austria 2018 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the fifth wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
The European Values Study - Austrian COVID-19 Special Edition 2021-22 Includi...
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many people’s lives and interrupted their normal course of life. The present study thus examines... -
Religion in the lives of Austrians 2020
The importance of religions and attitudes to religious and other ideological issues was surveyed among the Austrian population. This survey is a comparative study on cultural... -
Könnun á íslenskri þjóðtrú og trúarviðhorfum 2006-2007 Survey of Icelandic f...
Árið 2006 framkvæmdi Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands könnun fyrir Terry Gunnell og Erlend Haraldsson. Markmið könnunarinnar var að kanna þjóðtrú landsmanna, reynslu og... -
Könnun á íslenskri þjóðtrú og trúarviðhorfum - sameinað gagnasafn 1974 og 200...
Gagnasafnið er samansett skrá sem inniheldur sameiginlegar spurningar milli tveggja kannana um íslenska þjóðtrú og trúarviðhorf sem lagðar voru fyrir árið 1974 og aftur á árunum... -
Könnun á íslenskri þjóðtrú og trúarviðhorfum 1974 Survey of Icelandic folklo...
Snemma árs 1974 fór af stað könnun á vegum Háskóla Íslands undir umsjón Erlendar Haraldssonar. Tilgangur hennar var að safna upplýsingum um reynslu landsmanna af svonefndum...