Abundances of large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in surface waters of th...
In order to assess pollution with large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with... -
Abundances of small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in surface waters of the ...
In order to assess pollution with small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with the... -
Abundance of microplastic in surface sediment during POLARSTERN cruise PS93.2
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Microplastic counts and polymer type in analysis-required aliquots of sedimen...
This data table provided information about the microplastic identification analysis carried out on the samples listed in the data set doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.928575. To guarantee a... -
Microplastic number and polymer types in sediment samples from the Kuril Kamt...
The dataset below provides information about the microplastic contamination in the Kuril Kamchatka Trench in the NW Pacific Ocean. The samples were collected in summer 2016... -
Microplastic in snow from European and Arctic sites
We analysed microplastic and fibers in snow samples from ice floes in the Fram Strait (2016/17) and from Spitsbergen, Helgoland, Bremen, Bavaria and the Swiss Alps (2018) to... -
Microplastic and environmental data from Arctic sea ice
Microplastics (MP) are recognized as a growing environmental hazard and have been identified as far as the remote Polar Regions, with particularly high concentrations of... -
The aim of this experiment is to explore the segmental mode of natural rubber NR by means of quasielastic neutron scattering, QENS, and observe the influence of natural... -
Sample dynamics by quasielastic neutron scattering on the sub nanosecond scal...
TOFLAR is a new technique to study atomic motions on the time scale from a fraction of a picosecond up to one nanosecond. In contrast to some established techniques that only... -
Supplement to “Synchronization of great subduction megathrust earthquakes: In...
This data set provides data from subduction zone earthquake experiments and analysis described in Rosenau et al. (2019). In the experiments analogue seismotectonic scale models... -
Digital image correlation data from analogue subduction megathrust earthquake...
This data set includes digital image correlation data from thirteen analogue earthquakes generated by means of an analogue seismotectonic scale model approach. The data consists...