Mikrocensus 1978, 3. quarter: International Survey on Circumstances in Life (...
As the title international survey on the circumstances in life (Internationale Erhebung zur Lebenslage) already expresses, the following survey is Austrias contribution to an... -
Mikrocensus 1988, 3. quarter: Employment
This Mikrozensus survey is on the topics job change and job seeking The last survey on job seeking had been conducted in June 1978 (Mikrozensus MZ7802). It is generally well... -
Mikrocensus 1972, 3. quarter: Employment History
As a first contribution to this field of questions a special survey on workplace and employment change was conducted in September 1970 (Mikrozensus MZ7003). It produced - for... -
Mikrocensus 1970, 3. quarter: Job Change and Change of Occupational Life
It is generally well known that great changes are taking place in professional life. Once, it had been the rule that a person carried on the profession they had learned until... -
SURMOB2018: Opinions on Social Issues in Suriname in 2018
The SurMob2018 study collected data among 1273 inhabitants of Suriname. The survey covered the following topics:• Social background, including ethnicity and migration. These... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 3. quarter: International Survey on Circumstances in Life (...
As the title international survey on the circumstances in life (Internationale Erhebung zur Lebenslage) already expresses, the following survey is Austrias contribution to an... -
Mikrocensus 1988, 3. quarter: Employment
This Mikrozensus survey is on the topics job change and job seeking The last survey on job seeking had been conducted in June 1978 (Mikrozensus MZ7802). It is generally well... -
Mikrocensus 1972, 3. quarter: Employment History
As a first contribution to this field of questions a special survey on workplace and employment change was conducted in September 1970 (Mikrozensus MZ7003). It produced - for... -
Mikrocensus 1970, 3. quarter: Job Change and Change of Occupational Life
It is generally well known that great changes are taking place in professional life. Once, it had been the rule that a person carried on the profession they had learned until... -
The age profile of mobility measures: an application to earnings in West Germ...
This paper develops a technique for estimating age-profiles of earnings mobility using conditional kernel density estimation and establishes their statistical properties. Both... -
Income distribution and income dynamics in the United Kingdom (replication data)
In this paper, we propose a model of income dynamics which takes account of mobility both within and between jobs. The model is a hybrid of the mover-stayer model of income... -
Estimation of sons' intergenerational earnings mobility in the presence of ce...
Based on intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, I provide estimates of income mobility across generations for men. Special attention is paid to issues... -
Structural estimates of the intergenerational education correlation (replicat...
Using a structural dynamic programming model, we investigate the relative importance of family background variables and individual specific abilities in explaining... -
Modelling low income transitions (replication data)
We examine the determinants of low income transitions using first-order Markov models that control for initial conditions effects (those found to be poor in the base year may be... -
Intergenerational mobility and sample selection in short panels (replication ...
Using data from the first 11 waves of the BHPS, this paper measures the extent of the selection bias induced by standard coresidence conditions-bias that is expected to be...