Otolith images of Centrolophus niger collected south of Iceland in July 2017 ...
This data set has biological measurements and stomach content analysis for fourteen specimens of Centrolophus niger which were frozen whole at sea during the Icelandic part of... -
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 22
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 21
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 20
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 19
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 18
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 17
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 16
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 15
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 14
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 13
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 9
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 7
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 6
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 12
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 10
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 5
This dataset has no description
Tissue extension rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification, and... -
Respiration rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a long...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Skeletal growth rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a ...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and...