Moment stability and spin fluctuations in ferromagnetic Au4V
Au4V is an extremely unusual alloy. Neither Au nor V is generally found to carry a magnetic moment in the metallic state, yet the body-centred tetragonal (bct), structurally... -
Unveiling competing magnetic interactions in Nd5Ge3: Muon spin relaxation
The physics across the phase transitions in solids has been of topical interest in the condensed matter physics. For example, liquid and vapor coexist along the vapor pressure... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
One goal of our research into the nanoengineering of molecular magnets is a detailed understanding of the relationship between the structure and composition of a system and its... -
MUSR studies in the spin ferromagnetic Nd0.75Gd0.25Rh3B2 and Nd0.8Tb0.2Al2 al...
We propose to characterize the two magnetic transitions in Nd0.75Gd0.25Rh3B2 and study the spin dynamics and field induced domain rotation via zero field (ZF) and longitudinal... -
MuSR study to investigation a small moment magnetic ordering in Ce(Os1-xFex)2...
Our recent musr studies on CeT 2Al10 (T=Os and Ru) reveal a clear sign of long range magnetic ordering below 28 K in both the compounds. More interestingly the frequency... -
Studies of magnetic polaron formation in EuS via RF-µSR
Experiment is proposed to identify magnetic polaron bound to the muon using RF-muSR. In recent experiment at TRIUMF magnetic polaron was found in transverse field and its... -
MuSR Study to Investigate the Magnetism of Ca3Cu1-xMn1+xO6 (x = 0.07): Contin...
One-dimensional (1D) spin chain is important for understanding low-dimensional magnetism and useful for advancing quantum communications. In the present proposal we are... -
μSR study on Heisenberg spin ½ dimer NH4CuPO4·H2O
Heisenberg spin 1/2 systems show exotic nature of ground state, which gives rise to a number of interesting quantum phenomena, like being a state of quantum mechanically... -
Spin Dynamics in the Quantum Critical and Ferromagnetic Regimes of URu2-xRe
Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest in quantum phase transitions and non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior exhibited by heavy-fermion compounds. Interestingly... -
Muonium in widegap oxides
This proposal is part of a long-range program aiming at determining the stable charge-state configurations, site and impurity energy levels (donor and/or acceptor) of hydrogen... -
Muon-spin rotation study of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth of REFe_(...
We propose a TF-muSR investigation of the superconducting properties of the REFe_(1-y)Ru_yAsO_{1-x}F_x compound (RE=La, Sm). In this system the substitution of Fe by the... -
Low Temperature Dynamics in beta-Mn
beta-manganese is the only room-temperature-stable crystal structrure of elemental manganese, which remains paramagnetic at all temperatures. This is in stark contrast to both... -
Rapid Access: Determination of the Magnetic Properties of LaFeAs1-xPxO Across...
Using NMR spectroscopy, the possible existence of a new magnetic state has been suggested to exist in LaFeAs1-xPxO (for x near 0.5); however, other groups failed to detect any... -
Probing re-entrant glassy state in spin chain compound Sm2BaNiO5 using µ-SR s...
We are currently investigating Haldane spin-chain compounds [PRB 2017] of the type R2BaNiO5 (R = rare earth) using bulk measurements and have found the multifunctional... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
muSR study of magnetic correlations and their transformation in nanoclusters ...
Only few studies have explored the magnetic correlations in nanocomposites of Cobalt carbide systems. Our magnetization and transport studies on nanocomposites of admixed phases... -
Muonium in widegap oxides
This proposal is part of a long-range program aiming at determining the stable charge-state configurations, site and impurity energy levels (donor and/or acceptor) of hydrogen... -
Influence of the cation disorder on the magnetic properties of underdoped cup...
We want to isolate the effects of doping, charge localization and local distortion on the transition from insulating antiferromagnet to superconducting metal in YBCO. We choose... -
Iron-based superconductors with molecular spacer layers: probing Li diffusion...
All known iron-based superconductors comprise layers of FeAs or FeSe with some combination of group I, group II or lanthanide oxide layers, and usually some doping. To make... -
Detailed investigation of the magnetic interaction as a function of temperature
In the series R2PdSi3,the Nd compound is considered to be an anomalous as it orders ferromagnetically (TC= 16 K) with a weak frequency-dependent ac susceptibility (χ)...