Water Binding and Solvent Dynamics in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) are molecular mixtures similar to ionic liquids, having melting points below room temperature. However instead of being composed of a salt, the... -
Graphite Oxide Intercalation: Tailoring Adsorbate Geometry
The search for new porous materials is increasingly driven by a socio-economic pressure to diversify our energy supply and minimize environmental impact. Carbon-based... -
Uptake of Molecular Hydrogen by High-performance Carbon Nanostructures (NIMROD)
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
The intermediate stages of hydrogen disorder to order phase transitions in ice
In recent years, our team has discovered three new phases of ice: ices XIII, XIV and XV. On the basis of calorimetric data and some limited diffraction data collected on GEM we... -
Uptake of Molecular Hydrogen by High-performance Carbon Nanostructures (IRIS)
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
The Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Synthetic Clays
In this proposal we aim to study the low temperature uptake and dynamics of hydrogen in the interlayer region of partially hydrated pillared clays. There are linked dual... -
Hydrogen Uptake by Pillared Graphite Oxides
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
Diffusional Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen Bound to Carbon Nanohorns
The present experiment aims to elucidate the energetics and geometry of translational diffusive motions exhibited by molecular hydrogen bound to carbon nanohorns. Previous... -
CaTiO3 cooling from 291 K 30-130 ms jaws 15*20
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Experimental validation of solid hydrogen phases in porous materials via neut...
Metallic hydrogen has long been theorised to be a close-to-room temperature superconductor, but is only predicted to form at GPa pressures. Instead of using extremely high... -
Determining the Vibrational Frequencies and Lattice Dynamics in Nanoporous Ze...
This proposal will use Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) spectroscopy at TOSCA to establish the vibrational frequencies in nanoporous zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF)... -
Effects of pore geometry of nanoporous carbons on hydrogen densification usin...
Neutron scattering is one of the few experimental techniques that can directly determine the state of confined H2 molecules in microporous solids. Recent inelastic neutron... -
Water Binding and Solvent Dynamics in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) are molecular mixtures similar to ionic liquids, having melting points below room temperature. However instead of being composed of a salt, the... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
QENS studies of molecular hydrogen in K-doped electrospun graphite nanofibres
The physisorptive capability of graphite-based nanomaterials for hydrogen is strongly dependent on their surface areas and nanomorphologies. We have made electrospun graphite... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
Effect of low temperature on strain properties of high-entropy alloy
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Gamma Dopplerimetry to Determine the Environment of Iodine in Halogen Bonded ...
Molecular self-assembly directed by non-covalent interactions presents a unique opportunity to create precisely engineered functional materials. Halogen bonding is a widely... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling...