Flow cytometry dataset from first year sea ice (FYI) core bottom 5 cm section...
This dataset is a subset of the abundance of microorganisms (smaller than 20 µm) enumerated using flow cytometry (FCM) during the Multidisciplinary drifting observatory for the... -
Flow cytometry dataset from CTD casts showing the abundance of microorganisms...
This dataset gives an overview of the abundance of microorganisms (smaller than 20 µm) enumerated using flow cytometry (FCM) during the Multidisciplinary drifting observatory... -
Errina fissurata stable carbon and oxygen isotopes from Adare Basin, Ross Sea
The Errina fissurata coral specimens for this study were collected aboard the U.S. Antarctic Program expedition NBP07-01 near Cape Adare in the western Ross Sea. Seamounts on... -
Bulk Carbonate Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Associated Sulfate in...
Carbonate associated sulfate sulfur isotope results from IODP Site U1553 (166°11.4801′E, 52°13.4294′S) located on the Campbell Plateau are presented. Pore water and bulk... -
Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Sulfate in Interstitial W...
Dissolved sulfate sulfur and oxygen isotope results and carbonate associated sulfate sulfur isotope results from IODP Site U1553 (166°11.4801′E, 52°13.4294′S) located on the... -
Chronology, Planktonic Foraminifera Assemblages and Oxygen Isotope Data of co...
Surface and subsurface hydrographic variability from the western equatorial Indian Ocean over ~412 ka are reconstructed using planktic foraminiferal assemblages and their oxygen... -
Age model of IODP Site 363-U1489 over the last 4 Ma
This dataset contain the planktonic foraminifera oxygen and carbon isotope records along the upper ~83.58 m on-slice sediment sequence of IODP Site 363-U1489 (02°07.19′N,... -
Dissolved concentrations of major elements and water isotopes for water sampl...
Water samples were filtered to 0.2 micron prior to measurement. Samples for cation analysis were acidified in the field to pH < 2 using 6N HNO3. Cation concentrations were... -
Authigenic geochemical analysis of sediment core PS08/023 from the deep North...
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Authigenic geochemical analysis of sediment core M68-91PC from the deep North...
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Authigenic geochemical analysis of sediment core M68-89PC from the deep North...
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Authigenic geochemical analysis of IODP Hole 303-U1308C from the deep Northea...
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Triple oxygen and hydrogen isotope data of gypsum from Cyprus
Gypsum samples collected in two outcrops located in the Polemi basin, Cyprus, have been analyzed for their triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition. Respective methods...