Uranium - Thorium dating results from bivalve shell samples of sediment core ...
Age corr.: Age correction according to 232Th concentration and 230Th/232Th ratio of 8±4.Laboratory code/label IUPH: Institute for Environmental Physics, University of... -
Uranium - Thorium dating results from carbonate samples of sediment core GeoB...
Age corr.: Age correction according to 232Th concentration and 230Th/232Th ratio of 8±4.Laboratory code/label IUPH: Institute for Environmental Physics, University of... -
(Tabel 2) U-series ages, isotope concentrations and ratios of sediment cores ...
U-series datings were performed on fragments of the two cold-water coral species Lophelia pertusa and Enallopsammia profunda.1 Th corrected ages.* discarded. -
U-series ages and Neodymium isotopic compositions of late Quaternary populati...
The data sets include U-series and Neodymium isotope measurements in modern (n = 6) and fossil (n = 24) deep-coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) assemblages raised from the Orphan...