Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in the northern South China Sea
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Global distributions of diazotrophs abundance and biomass - Depth integrated ...
The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global... -
Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in the Atlantic Ocean
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Abundance and calculated biomass of Trichodesmium spp. in the Atlantic Ocean
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Abundance of nifH genes in the Southeast Pacific
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Abundance and calculated biomass of summer blooms from diatom-diazotroph asse...
Richelia counts are derived from host diatom cell counts: assuming each host Hemiaulus contains 2 Richelia trichomes and each Rhizosolenia contains 5 Richelia trichomes. Also... -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Oscillatoria (Trichodesmium) Thebeautii (...
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Abundance and calculated biomass of diazotrophs and their nitrogen fixation i...
Richelia reported as number of heterocysts, converted to number of cells on 1:5 basis. -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Oscillatoria (Trichodesmium) thiebautii i...
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes of different stations in July 2006 and August...
Exact dates are unknown. -
Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes of diazotrophic cyanobacteria in the tropical...
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in tropical waters of the eastern North Atlantic
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes of the southern Pacific
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes from diazotrophic microorganisms in the South...
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes of different stations
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH in the western tropical north Atlantic Ocean
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH in an anticyclonic eddy in the oligotrophic North P...
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Abundance of Gamma-A nifH genes expression at Stn Aloha in the oligotrophic N...
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