Umweltgerechtigkeit – Soziale Verteilungsmuster, Gerechtigkeits- einschätzun...
Die soziale Verteilung von Umweltbelastungen und wie diese von der Bevölkerung beurteilt wird, sind zentrale Themen der Umweltgerechtigkeitsforschung. Diese und andere Aspekte... -
Code/Syntax: Development and Structure of Environmental Worries in Germany 19...
Data documenting the long-term trend of “environmental concern” in Germany is scarce. Referring to a survey question in the German socioeconomic panel, which measures worries... -
Replication code for: Attitudes on climate change and their relations to opin...
Replication code for presentation at the EGU24, using ISSP 2020 data: see https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/EGU24-3191.html Attitudes on climate change and the...