Liverpool Jewry Historical Database, 1740-1881
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Liverpool Jewish community was the earliest to be formed in the north of England (approximately... -
Données socio-économiques sur les communes de Suisse et de la région limitrop...
Le projet est né d'une recherche précédente, réalisée dans le cadre du PNR-25 (G.P. Torricelli et R. Ratti: Reti urbane e Frontiera, rapport n. 56, 258 p. Berne, 1994).... -
In social demography the migrants’ point of view regarding their migratory intentions is commonly studied using stated preferences, since it is viewed as one of the most... -
Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health...
The Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly (GENDER) is a study of unlike-sex twin pairs born between 1906 and 1925 (Gold et al.,... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
Young Marriage 1988
Partner relations and situation in life of young marriages, expectations of and reasons for the marriage, desire for children. Topics: Expectations of spouse (scale); length of... -
Concepts of Family in Germany
Assigned by the German Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), TNS Infratest Sozialforschung executed a survey in 2012 about family-related ´leitbilder´. The subject of... -
CUPESSE: Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship
The CUPESSE data is a survey of young adult residents of 11 European countries and their parents. It focuses on economic self-sufficiency, employability, entrepreneurship, and... -
FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study
The study programme “FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel” is a cooperative project of the German Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), GESIS – Leibniz... -
Online Survey on Persons Displaced from Ukraine
Since 24 February 2022, the European Union has experienced a mass influx of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. In response, the European Council activated the Temporary... -
Population size and movement in Germany 1816-1871
In der vorliegenden Studie werden vorhandene Daten zur Bevölkerungsstatistik (Geburten, Heiraten, Sterbefälle, Einwohner) auf der Basis der Preußischen Provinzen sowie anderer... -
The foreign population in the German Empire, 1871 - 1932
Topic of the Data Compilation: The history of Germany is characterized by immigration and emigration as a mass movement not only since the beginning of the Federal Republic.... -
Histat-Data Compilation: Population by Age in years and by gender for the Ger...
Gegenstand der Studie. Das Alter ist ein natürliches Strukturmerkmal der Bevölkerung, das über den Anteil einzelner Altersgruppen an der Gesamtbevölkerung informiert. Der... -
The Decline of Fertility in Germany, 1871-1939
Gegenstand der Studie: Während des 19. Jahrhunderts durchlebten viele Europäische Staaten im Rahmen der industriellen Revolution einen tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen... -
Family Reconstruction of Krummhoern (East Friesland), 1720-1874
I. Family table (level 1): Family ID; case reporting (copulation - marriage, proclamation, engagement, illegitimate liaison); date of birth (date of marriage or date of the... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Population
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
Metropolitan agglomerations of the German Reich, 1871-1910
The author statistically depicts the population growth of the largest German cities between 1871 and 1910. He uses the official statistics. He breaks down the cities into zones... -
Historical Development of independent towns, counties and their population wi...
The subject matter is the historical development of North Rhine-Westphalian independent towns and districts according to the number of municipalities, their area and their... -
Population and Population Movement on the Territory of Today´s North Rhine-We...
The contents of the present study at hand are data on the population of the territory of North Rhine-Westfalia and its government district, counties and urban counties, and the... -
Kirchenbuchabschriften der katholischen Bistümer Passau und Regensburg
Population statistics of Lower Bavarian parishes Recording of all vital events (births, marriages and deaths) Bevölkerungsstatistik niederbayerischer Pfarreien Erfassung aller...