Radiocarbon dating of Hashilan Wetland sediment core, western Iran
Eleven samples including organic sediment, seeds, and charcoal fragments were picked from the Hashilan sediment core and submitted to the Beta Analytic Radiocarbon Dating... -
Stable isotope records of stalagmite PIM5
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Stable isotope records of stalagmite PIM4
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Pollen counts in Hashilan Wetland sediment core, western Iran
For pollen analysis, standard analytical techniques (Faegri and Iversen, 1989) were applied for pollen extraction. Samples were treated with 10% KOH, 10% HCl, 37% HF and... -
Palynology counting from Lago Formoso sediments in Maranhão State, northeaste...
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Pollen composition of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Patagonia
To process the pollen and macro-charcoal from the sediment samples, we followed Bennett and Willis (2002), and Withlock and Larsen (2002) protocols. We took 176 pollen samples... -
Pollen records of core WDY2 from the Wangdongyang peatland, southeast China
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Pollen records of core WDY1 from the Wangdongyang peatland, southeast China
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Palynological data from cores SG-1 and SG-1b from the Qaidam Basin (Tibetan P...
To reconstruct the timing and underlying forcing of major shifts in the composition of terrestrial ecosystems in arid Central Asia during the late Cenozoic (past ~7 Ma), we... -
Figure 1 to 9 from Lago Formoso sediments in Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil
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U/Th ages of stalagmite PIM5
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U/Th ages of stalagmite PIM4
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d18O composite records of of stalagmites PIM4 and PIM5
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Stable isotope records (d18O and d13C) of speleothems from Amazonian lowlands...
The stable isotope records are based on two stalagmites, PIM4 and PIM5, collected in Cuíca cave (11°40°S, 60°38°W, ~310 m a.s.l.) located in Pimenta Bueno city, Rondônia State,... -
Grain size in Hashilan Wetland sediment core, western Iran
For grain size, prior to grain size analyses, OM was removed by H2O2 (30 %) and carbonates were destroyed with HCl (10 %) from samples. For dispersion, 20 ml of Calgon... -
Pollen, grain size, loss-on-ignition, elemental and mineralogical composition...
The proxy data reported here are measured from a sediment core collected from the Hashilan Wetland (34° 34' 55 N, 46° 53' 13 E, 1310 m a.s.l.) in the Zagros Mountains of western... -
Pollen and macro-charcoal analysis of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Pata...
We present palaeoecological records of pollen and macro-charcoal particles used to reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Araucaria araucana forest close to the... -
Holocene coastal environmental changes inferred by multi-proxy analysis from ...
The history of the coastal environment in the northern part of northeastern Brazil and the role of sea-level and climate change as well as the human impact during the past has... -
Pollen and grainsize records and element composition of cores from the Wangdo...
Our results reveals a warm and wet climate from 8000-2000 cal a BP and this was followed by a cooler and drier climate since ~2000 cal a BP. We identified a cooler and drier... -
Pollen counts in lake sediments of Bolshie Toroki (Western Siberia) with radi...
Lake Bolshie Toroki is located in Novosibirsk Region (55.39350 N, 80.61860E), Russia. It is an undrained lake with an area of 9.57 km2 and a depth of about 1m, with weakly...