Effect of temperature and degradation stage on the sinking velocity of decayi...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Effect of temperature on the cumulative carbon loss from decaying copepod car...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Effect of temperature on bacterial abundance in the water surrounding decayin...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Effect of temperature on aerobic microbial respiration associated with decayi...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Abundance of mesopelagic decapods collected at different layers of the water ...
The dataset presents the number of mesopelagic Decapoda collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: south of... -
Compilation of stomach content data from temperate Atlantic and western Medit...
This file contains data on mesopelagic fish stomach content reported as the number of prey categories in each fish stomach and their carbon masses. These data come from samples... -
Abundance of larvae and transforming stages of mesopelagic fish collected at ...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of larvae and transforming stages of fishes collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones... -
Abundance of mesopelagic fish collected at different layers of the water colu...
This file contains data on number of mesopelagic fish collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2020 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: Balears and... -
Abundance of early stages of mesopelagic fish through the water column and di...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of early stages of fishes (mostly larvae) in winter (December 2009) and summer (July 2010) in the Balearic Islands region. A... -
Abundance of cephalopods, decapods and gelatinous organisms through the water...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of micronekton organisms, mostly decapods, cephalopods, and cnidarians collected in winter (December 2009) and summer (July 2010)... -
Abundance of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in t...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of mesopelagic fishes collected in winter (December 2009) and summer (July 2010) in the Balearic Islands region. A relatively... -
Amphipod protein content under simulated invasion stress in wetlands
Every two weeks during the 6-week acclimation period, 8 adults were randomly selected from each tank for protein analysis (n = 8). Individuals were sacrificed in dry ice and... -
Amphipod glycogen and glucose content under simulated invasion stress in wetl...
Every two weeks during the 6-week acclimation period, 8 adults were randomly selected from each tank glycogen analysis (n = 8). Individuals were sacrificed in dry ice and stored... -
Field counts of amphipods along benthic transects at Tule Red Tidal Restorati...
Amphipods (Gammarus sp.) were observed and collected from the Tule Red Tidal Restoration Site in Suisun Marsh (38.117843, -121.983199) in January-December 2021. All observations... -
Laboratory count data of newly hatched juvenile individuals for all amphipod ...
Amphipods were collected from the Tule Red Tidal Restoration site in Suisun Marsh, CA (38.117843, -121.983199) in July 2021. Using fine mesh nylon aquarium nets, adult amphipods... -
Winter cod 2022: Monitoring data recorded during RV ALKOR cruise AL568b - Gad...
This data contains monitoring data of the RV ALKOR cruise AL568b conducted in January 2022 (January 24th – February 1st) in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg.... -
Stable isotope data of mesozooplankton from the Adriatic basin (Mediterranean...
Zooplankton plays a key role in the marine food webs, and it represents the main food source for small pelagics, one of the most exploited resources in the Adriatic Sea. In... -
Abundance of early stages of mesopelagic fish through the water column and di...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of early stages of fishes collected in April 2015 across the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. Eleven stations were sampled both... -
Abundance of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in t...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of mesopelagic fishes collected in April 2015 across the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. Twelve stations were visited day and... -
Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on three different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in...