Wheat Observations KG
The Genetic and Genomic Information System (GnpIS) handles different types of data in the scope of genetics and genomics for plants including forest trees. Soft wheat... -
Woody Plant Ontology
The Woody Plant Ontology lists reference variables used for experimentations and observations on woody plants (forest trees and shrubs, and possibly fruit trees). It is an... -
Biological traits of macroinvertebrates associated with subtidal sandy beforms
Subtidal sandy bedforms are under the particular protection of the NATURA 2000 directive because they constitute important habitats where 30% of the species are endemic. The... -
Updated biological traits' scoring and protection status to calculate sensiti...
Particularly suited to the purpose of measuring the sensitivity of benthic communities to trawling, a trawl disturbance indicator (de Juan and Demestre, 2012, de Juan et al....