The Genetic and Genomic Information System (GnpIS) handles different types of data in the scope of genetics and genomics for plants including forest trees.
Soft wheat phenotype observations data are integrated in GnpIS including the result of observation campaigns carried out on micro-parcels located in France between 1999 and 2015. The representation relies on the Plant Phenotype Experiment Ontology (PPEO) and the CO_321 Wheat Crop Ontology.
Each observation is part of a study carried out by an institution on a crop site using certain biological material. The biological material is a seed with an accession number which is an approved identifier of a wheat species/variety. Each observation precisely and formally documents the location of the micro-parcel, the measurement method, the phenotype measurement scale, the plant development stage and the organ being observed.
This dataset contains the raw observation files in CSV format as well as the Wheat Observations KG, an RDF Knowledge Graph in the RDF Turtle syntax, that represents the same data.
See generation tools and further details on the WheatObservationsKG repository
Morph-xR2RML, 1.3.2