Seismic refraction and wide-angle data along Emperor Seamounts (Northwest Pac...
In May of 2019 the US American research vessel Marcus G. Langseth shot a seismic profile along the Emperor Seamounts in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Shots were recorded on 29... -
Ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone seismic refraction and w...
During MSM69, in November and December of 2017, an 1100-km-long transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean aboard the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN. The profiles runs... -
Ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone sgy-files of seismic ref...
During the cruise M69/2 of the German RV Meteor a West-East trending seismic refraction and wide-angle profile was obtained, sampling the structure of the Western... -
Trans Isthmus Costa Rica Scientific Exploration of a Crustal Transect - seism...
The TICOSECT program aimed to investigate the crustal structure of the active continental margin of Costa Rica and to understand the geodynamic processes within the subduction... -
3D-NEA: Three-dimensional lithospheric-scale structural model of the North Ea...
The Northeast Atlantic (NEA) region has long been a subject of interest due to its complex geological history, particularly regarding the interaction between the Iceland plume...