During MSM69, in November and December of 2017, an 1100-km-long transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean aboard the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN. The profiles runs from 12.8°W/2.8°S,for 75 km on the South American plate, crosses the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and terminates at 3.2°W/0.7°S, roughly covering zero-age to approximately 50 Myr old lithosphere of the African plate. The seismic refraction and wide-angle transect was covered with 71 Ocean-Bottom-Seismometers and hydrophones spaced at 10 to 20 km intervals. The profile was shot at an increased interval of 210 s to decrease the shot-induced-level, improving signal-noise-ratio and providing an average shot spacing of 410 m. Seismic data in SEGY format are reduced with 8 km/s and the origin of the time series is at -1 sec.