MAGGOT : Metadata Management Tool for Data Storage Spaces
Sharing descriptive Metadata is the first essential step towards Open Scientific Data. With this in mind, Maggot was specifically designed to annotate datasets by creating a... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of the Student Government at the University in Ljubljana (1992)
Na osnovi teoretičnih in empiričnih spoznanj je bil oblikovan omrežni generatorji za merjenje teoretično utemeljene dimenzije socialne opore - vsebina omrežnega generatorja za... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (1998)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2000-2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2001-2002)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of Social informatics of FDV (2004-2005)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (1992-1993)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Socialna opora dijakov Gimnazije Poljane (2000)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
SDCCP 2 - Survey Design of Longitudinal Surveys Before and During the Covid-1...
The data set "SDCCP 2 - Survey Design Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP).... -
Code/Syntax: Welcher Zweck heiligt die Mittel? Bemerkungen zur Repräsentativi...
Im Vergleich zu Umfragen an Wahrscheinlichkeitsstichproben bieten Umfragen an Access-Panels, die auf Nicht-Wahrscheinlichkeitsstichproben basieren, unbestreitbare... -
SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The data set "SDCCP 1 - Survey Design and Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic" was generated by the project entitled "Survey Data Collection and the Covid-19 Pandemic" (SDCCP).... -
Stata code for assessing interrater reliability in the coding of the SDCCP 1 ...
The syntax code has the purpose of assessing interrater reliability for various variables based on a random 10% sample from all survey programs encoded in the dataset SDCCP 1 -... -
Replication data for: Between Urgency and Data Quality: Assessing the FAIRnes...
Balancing speed and quality during crises pose challenges for ensuring the value and utility of data in social science research. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular underscores... -
Estimating microcredit impact with low take-up, contamination and inconsisten...
We replicate a flagship randomised control trial carried out in rural Morocco that showed substantial and significant impacts of microcredit on the assets, the outputs, the...