Structural examination of self-assembled floating membranes below grafted lip...
Robust, reliable, and protein-free bacterial membrane mimicking systems compatible with the high through put screening techniques will largely facilitate the discovery of new... -
Impact of in-situ strain-tuning on the magnetic structure of Ca3Ru2O7
We propose to perform high-resolution neutron diffraction on strained Ca3Ru2O7, a material in which electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling and crystal fields combine to... -
Tuning cycloidal ordering by epitaxial strain in BiFeO3 thin films
Owing to their promising applications, especially in spintronics, multiferroics have been at the fprefront of condensed matter research for a number of years. In these... -
Antibiotic Interactions with models of the Gram negative bacterial outer memb...
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Magnetoelectric coupling in complex systems
Coupling ferromagnatism and ferroelectriocity in a single phase material at or near room temperature has significant potential for the development of hybrid memory combining the... -
Probing the mechanism of thermoelectric enhancement in Kondo insulator YbB12 ...
We propose to study the evolution of the spectral features in the dynamical magnetic response in series Yb_{1-x}Tm_{x}B_{12} (x=0.15, 0.6, 0.8). Tm doping results in non-trivial... -
Temperature Effects and Kinetics of Thiolipid Adsorption to Gold Surfaces
We have a programme investigating the structure and function of protein scaffolds oriented on gold surfaces using sulfur chemistry for attachment. The aim is to direct the... -
The coupling of spin and charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
Charge density wave (CDW) order has recently been established as a generic feature of high-temperature cuprate superconductors. It occurs near 1/8 doping and has been observed... -
Magnetism and electronic structure of 3d 5d double perovskites
Emerging technologies require increasingly unusual functional materials and so understanding the origins of complex magnetic and electronic behaviour, and how these can be... -
Neutron scattering study on noncollinear antiferromagnets D019 hcp-Mn3X (X = ...
Currently, we are reaching capacity limits in conventional Si-based memory devices, due to restrictions on further miniaturization. The concept of antiferromagnetic spin... -
New apparatus for neutron diffraction under uniaxial pressure.
We propose to test new apparatus for the magnetic neutron diffraction under uniaxial pressure on WISH diffractometer. The main feature of our apparatus is that the sample is not... -
High-Energy dynamics and search for a continuum in CaFe2O4
We propose to investigate the high-energy (above 10 meV) excitations using either the MERLIN or MAPS chopper instruments. CaFe2O4 is interesting for several reasons. First, it... -
The interaction of novel gold supraparticles with model lipid membranes
Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) found large application in medicine as theranostic materials for the diagnosis and therapy of many diseases. The understanding of the interactions... -
Oxidation of thin film at the air-water interface of cloud droplets using REA...
The Earth's climate is strongly influenced by clouds. The oxidative processing of pollutants in clouds affects droplet size and optical properties, important effects. Common... -
Spin wave investigation in brownmillerite oxygen deficient perovskite Ca2Fe2O5
The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is thought to be responsible for the stabilization of weak ferromagnetism or magnetic spiral states in a number of diverse systems. An... -
Helimagnetic correlations in FeCl3
The recent discovery of skyrmions and skyrmion lattices in materials with no inversion symmetry and their corresponding potential applications of Skyrmions in magnetic... -
Surfactant adsorption onto model surfaces
In the context of home and personal care products, studying surfactant and mixed surfactant adsorption ion model solid surfaces, which mimic real surfaces such as fabrics, hair... -
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The Neutron Scattering Spin Resonance: A probe of the momentum structure of t...
We propose to use MERLIN to examine the full magnetic excitation spectrum Chi¿(q,w) of optimally doped Fe based superconductor BaFe1.84Co0.16As2. The primary goal of this... -
Quantum magnetism in lanthanide gallium garnet magnetocaloric materials
Geometrically frustrated lanthanide gallium garnets find practical applications as low temperature magnetocalorics, but the competing interactions in these materials may give...