Structural evolution of self-assembled cyclic-peptide hydrogels
Cyclic peptides which can self-assemble into long nanotubes provide unique properties which can be tailored for a diverse range of biomedical applications. Recently, we have... -
Composition dependent structure in mixtures of water and hydrogen bonded mono...
This is part of a project concerning the interplay between water and other H-bonded liquids using a range of complementary experimental techniques, e.g. dielectric spectroscopy,... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
High resolution INS spectra of hydrocarbonaceous overlayers formed on novel m...
For the first time, the research team aim to use INS to characterise a series of new high specification methane reforming catalysts. The enhanced performance of these catalysts... -
Magnetic Disorder at Fe/MgO and Co/MgO Interfaces
The tunnel magnetoresistive effect (TMR) is critically dependent upon interfacial disorder. Polarised neutron reflectivity will be used to characterise the magnetic roughness at... -
Quantification of the temperature dependent magnetisation profile in a ferrom...
The realisation of room temperature magnetic semiconductors would be a significant milestone on the route to the next generation of spintronic materials. Raising the ordering... -
Switchable adhesion between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: dependence o...
Tuning the interactions between different surfaces has technological benefits in areas such as adhesion, compatibilisation and nano-actuators. We shall study the interaction... -
Unraveling temperature dependent cis/trans-isomerisation in bis{(trifluoromet...
Raman spectroscopy has identified differences in how the anion conformer populations of alkali metal bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide molten salts (Li-Cs) and protic... -
Particle and temperature dependent solubility limits in LiFePO4
In extension of our previous study on particle size dependent solubility limits in nano-sized LiFePO4 we wish to extend our study to temperature dependent solubility limits in... -
Mechanical twinning in quartz rocks: in situ experiments at stress and during...
Previous experiments at ENGIN-X (Wenk et al. 2007) established that quartz rocks undergo mechanical twinning if stressed above 100 MPa. The amount of twinning is highly... -
Probing the interfacial wetting of superhydrophobic, lithographically pattern...
Phenomena surrounding the wetting of natural or artificial topographically patterned surfaces are found systems associated with the diverse fields of chemical engineering,... -
Powder diffraction studies under high deuterium pressure
The aims of the experiment are (1) to obtain structural data for the model hydrogen storage intermetallic LaNi5 under a deuterium pressure of 3000 bar at cryogenic temperatures,... -
Relating plastic deformation to angle dependent IGS for multiple hkl peaks
For some engineering purposes like welding or SCC where IGS (Inter Granular Stresses) increase susceptibility to cracking, some indicator of the level of plastic deformation... -
Me-ND311BD4: a temperature dependent study of its crystal structure and decom...
We request 4 days on HRPD with the IGAn apparatus to follow the structural changes of Me-ND4 11BD4 as a function of temperature. The high resolution of HRPD will allow us to... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the field dependent anisotropy of the s...
The bilayer ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7 is the first material found to have a quantum critical end-point and is believed to display ¿nematic electronic order¿. We have previously studied... -
Continuation: In situ neutron diffractometry of single crystal superalloys
We propose to carry out in-situ neutron diffractometry on testpieces of a latest-generation single crystal superalloy. This work is in support of current EPSRC projects... -
Temperature dependent interface magnetisation of Heusler compounds in magneti...
A large magnetoresistance (TMR) is expected when half metallic ferromagnets are used in magnetic tunneling junctions with polycrystalline AlOx barrier. We have recently observed... -
Temperature dependent diffusion of water in human red blood cells
We propose to measure the diffusion of water in human red blood cells on the high resolution spectrometer IRIS with quasi-elastic neutron scattering. Diffusion of water in cells... -
Non-equilibrium kinetics in highly interacting polymer mixtures
We seek to investigate the non-equilibrium phenomena of a model polymer mixture by time-solved SANS and temperature jump experiments within (a) one-phase region and (b) one to... -
The use of INS to characterise deactivation of methane reforming catalysts.
For the first time, the research team aim to use INS to characterise a series of candidate methane reforming catalysts. Recent studies have shown that modification of...