Tree inventory dataset of floodplain forest, Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig is the only major German city in which extensive hardwood floodplain forests have been preserved. At present, drying out and a lack of hydrodynamics pose the greatest... -
Detailed tree inventory and area coverage of remote mangrove forests (species...
This dataset contains detailed inventories of 7 large plots of mangrove forests in the Utría National Park in the Colombian Pacific Coast. The inventory consists of individual... -
Forest inventories on circular plots on the expedition Chukotka 2018, NE Russia
We undertook a large-scale forest inventory in central Chukotka in summer 2018 on a joint Russian-German expedition by the AWI (Potsdam) and the NEFU (Yakutsk). We covered... -
Tree-ring measurements of focal trees from 1899 to 2016 (Sierra Nevada, Spain)
Tree-width measurements are in tucson format (0.001 mm unit). -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a... -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a... -
Resilience to drought of relict Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica populations i...
Resilience to drought of relict Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula was analyzed in relation to historical records of land-use,... -
LTER Zöbelboden - Austria - biological parameter, canopy cover rate, canopy h...
Forest inventory data of LTER Zöbelboden. Beginning in 1992 permanent inventory plots covering the site (64-70) and three intensiv monitoring plots (IP1, IP2, IP3)... -
Enhanced Vegetation Index covering Quercus pyrenaica forests in Sierra Nevada...
Annual EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) mean of pixels (250 m x 250 m) covering Quercus pyrenaica forests in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). Data were derived from MOD13Q1... -
Species, total height, diameter at breast height of neighboring living trees ...
All neighboring living trees with DBH > 7.5 cm within a circular plot with a 10-m radius around target (focal) trees were considered. -
Total height, diameter at breast height and tree ring code of focal trees (Si...
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Airborne laser scanning single tree detection NEWFOR benchmark dataset
In total 14 different study areas in 4 countries of the Alpine Space are made available. The following data are provided for each study area (number XX): Airborne Laser...