Data from: Modern pollen rain predicts shifts in plant trait composition but ...
We used 82 modern pollen samples and 59 vegetation plots along the elevation gradient, and calculated CWM traits and diversity indices for each pollen sample and vegetation... -
Data from: A 7000-year history of changing plant trait composition in an Amaz...
Tropical forests are shifting in species and trait composition, but the main underlying causes remain unclear because of the short temporal scales of most studies. Here, we... -
Abiotic and biotic drivers of biomass change in a Neotropical forest
Abiotic and biotic variables and growth, recruitment and mortality for 48 1-ha plots in a moist tropical forest in Bolivia The article is submitted to Journal of Ecology -
Functional traits and niches dataset of 29 liana species in a 20–ha permanent...
Functional traits and niches dataset of 29 liana species in a 20–ha permanent plot in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China Date Submitted: 2021-04-22 -
Old-growth Neotropical forests are shifting in species and trait composition
This dataset contains the underlaying data for the study:Tropical forests have long been thought to be in stable state, but recent insights indicate that global change is... -
The impacts of grassland restoration and drought on biodiversity metrics in a...
This data provides support for a research project assessing the impacts of restoration and drought on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity. Restoration seeks to... -
Assessing Baccharis pilularis invasion at Younger Lagoon Reserve, CA, USA res...
Data related to woody species encroachment by Baccharis pilularis from an experimental drought and restoration study at Younger Lagoon Reserve, Santa Cruz, California, USA from... -
Taxon classification for phylogenetic analysis of plant cover during experime...
Taxonomic names and classifications derived from plant community data in 2021 formatted for extracting a phylogenetic tree using R. -
Baccharis pilularis abundance and stem diameter under experimental restoratio...
The abundance counts and stem diameter of Baccharis pilularis individuals found within drought, ambient and restored and unrestored plots within experimental plots at Younger... -
Baccharis pilularis cover under experimental restoration or drought at Younge...
The relative percent cover was assessed using modified Braun-Blanquet visual surveys of Baccharis pilularis plants found within drought, ambient and restored and unrestored... -
Traits of Baccharis pilularis under experimental drought at Younger Lagoon Re...
The leaf traits of Baccharis pilularis individuals found within drought, ambient and restored and unrestored plots within experimental plots at Younger Lagoon Reserve in 2019.... -
Exemplary FOFS output data of experiments on simultaneous recording of filtra...
Data sets are outputs of two experiments (each experiment includes two or more temporally replicated trials - named by date) that were conducted using a newly developed... -
Data from: Modern pollen rain predicts shifts in plant trait composition but ...
We used 82 modern pollen samples and 59 vegetation plots along the elevation gradient, and calculated CWM traits and diversity indices for each pollen sample and vegetation... -
Fine root vessel and hydraulic traits across five root orders of 20 Chinese t...
Fine root vessel and hydraulic traits across five root orders of 20 Chinese tropical tree species. Sampling date: c.a. 3 weeks between Oct.- Nov. 2018 Sampling site: CAS - XTBG... -
LPJmL-FIT in Europe
LPJmL-FIT is process- and trait-based vegetation model. It is a subversion of the model LPJmL simulating patches of competing individual trees with flexible functional traits... -
Vegetation cover during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal pra...
The average cover values of all plant species within experimental treatment plots of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots from 2021. Data was taken using a... -
Plant traits during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal prairie...
The average trait values of measured experimental field species of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall from 2019. Values were determined by first averaging the... -
Biodiversity metrics during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal...
Various biodiversity metrics of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots derived from plant community data in 2021 and trait data from 2019. Different facets... -
Thatch depth during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal prairie...
Thatch depth, i.e. the height of litter from the soil surface was determined along with plant cover data in six subplots (0.25 m² quadrats) during a drought and restoration... -
Vegetation cover during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal pra...
The average cover values of all plant species within experimental treatment plots of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots from 2021. Data was taken using a...