The leaf traits of Baccharis pilularis individuals found within drought, ambient and restored and unrestored plots within experimental plots at Younger Lagoon Reserve in 2019.
Treatment:drought; indicating whether the plot experienced experimental drought - values are drought or ambient. Ambient indicates unmanipulated environmental conditionsLeaf area cm²; the total area of a given leaf measured fresh with ImageJLeaf lobedness unitless; the lobedness of a leaf measured as the ratio of leaf perimeter squared to the product of leaf area and piLeaf perimeter cm; the fresh perimeter measured with ImageJMajor vein length per unit area 1/cm; the ratio of total primary and secondary leaf veins to fresh leaf areaPlot; a unique plot identifierReplicate; two leaf replicates were taken from each individual; Replicate will either be 1 or 2Individual ID; the unique identifier of individuals sampled for leaf traits - leaf traits were taken from 4 unique individuals in each plotSpecific leaf area cm²/g; the ratio of fresh leaf area to oven dried leaf massThickness mm; the thickness of a leaf measured with a digital micrometer