Sortable silt records from sediment core GL1090 for the penultimate and last ...
We present sortable silt (SS) mean values from a mid-depth core in the western South Atlantic to assess changes in deep ocean circulation during the penultimate and last glacial... -
Authigenic neodymium records from sediment core GL1090 for the penultimate gl...
We present authigenic neodymium isotopes (ℇNd) values from a mid-depth core in the western South Atlantic to assess changes in deep ocean circulation during the penultimate... -
Carbon and oxygen isotope stack data from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Carbon and oxygen isotope data from Corchia Cave speleothems and oxygen isoto...
The archived data presented here are derived from analytical measurements performed on ocean sediments from cores drilled off the Iberian Margin and speleothems collected from... -
Oxygen isotope of planktic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from IODP Site ...
2020-05-18 and 2020-05-25: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected meters composite... -
Stack Age model from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Age model of sample CC122 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Age model of sample CC119 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Age model of sample CC30 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Carbon and oxygen isotope data of sample CD3 from Corchia Cave speleothems
This dataset has no description
Carbon and oxygen isotope data of sample CC30 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Carbon and oxygen isotope data of sample CC119 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Carbon and oxygen isotope data of sample CC122 from Corchia Cave speleothems
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Carbon and oxygen isotope data of sample CC8 from Corchia Cave speleothems
NB - there are two hiatuses in CC8. On the original speleothem depth scale, these occur between 337.0 and 337.5 mm, and 355.5 and 356.5 mm. -
Age model of sample CC8 from Corchia Cave speleothems
NB - there are two hiatuses in CC8. On the original speleothem depth scale, these occur between 337.0 and 337.5 mm, and 355.5 and 356.5 mm. -
SST and synchronized ages from IODP Site 339-U1387
2020-05-18 and 2020-05-25: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected meters composite... -
Oxygen isotope of benthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi from IODP S...
2020-05-18: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected revised meters composite depth);... -
C37:4 data from IODP Site 339-U1385
2020-05-18: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected revised meters composite depth);... -
Oxygen isotope of planktic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from IODP Site ...
2020-05-18: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected revised meters composite depth);...