Variable stars in VVV globulars. III.
High reddening near the Galactic plane hampers observations and proper characterization of the globular clusters (GCs) located toward the inner regions of the Milky Way. The... -
MAVERIC radio continuum sources from 26 GCs
Radio continuum observations offer a new window on compact objects in globular clusters compared to typical X-ray or optical studies. As part of the MAVERIC survey, we have used... -
X-ray study of MSPs in globular clusters
We present a comprehensive census of X-ray millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in 29 Galactic globular clusters (GCs), including 68 MSPs with confirmed X-ray luminosities and 107 MSPs... -
MW field and cluster RR Lyrae stars
We present new luminosity-metallicity (LZ ; M_V_-[Fe/H] and M_G_-[Fe/H]) and relations and, for the first time, empirical, Gaia three-band (G, G_BP_, G_RP_)... -
Globular clusters from CFHT/MegaCam ugi obs. of M104
M104 (NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy) is a mysterious massive early-type galaxy that shows a dominant bulge and a prominent disk. However, the presence of a halo in M104 has been... -
Abundances of globular cluster stars
Globular clusters (GCs) are extremely intriguing systems that help in reconstructing the assembly of the Milky Way via the characterisation of their chemo-chrono-dynamical... -
Analysis of Oosterhoff dichotomy
In this Letter we investigate the origin of the Oosterhoff dichotomy in light of recent discoveries related to several ancient merging events of external galaxies with the Milky... -
Lithium study with GC NGC 6752
This paper presents a chemical abundance analysis of 217 stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6752, distributed from the turn-off to the lower red giant branch. Al and... -
Metallicity spread and dispersion among P1 stars
Multiple populations are ubiquitous in the old massive globular clusters (GCs) of the Milky Way. It is still unclear how they arose during the formation of a GC. The topic of... -
NGC5018 galaxy group globular cluster population
Globular clusters (GCs) represent a valuable tool as a fossil tracer of the formation and evolution of galaxies and their environment. As such, studying the properties of these... -
Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters
We have assembled 560 recent measurements from the literature of distances of Galactic globular clusters and found revised distance estimates for 154 of the 157 clusters in the... -
The Cluster System of the LMC
A new catalogue of clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been constructed from searches of the IIIa-J component of the ESO/SERC Southern Sky Atlas. The catalogue contains... -
Structure Parameters of Galactic Globular Clusters
This catalog contains observed and derived structure parameters for 154 galactic globular clusters, 7 dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Galaxy, and 6 globular clusters in the... -
Updated catalog of variable stars in globular clusters
This Catalogue is an update to Helen Sawyer Hogg's Third Catalogue on Variable Stars in Globular Clusters (1973, David Dunlap Observatory Publications, Volume 3, Number 6:... -
Revised Bologna Catalog of M31 clusters, V.5
The dataset lists all the confirmed globular clusters (GC), all the known candidates GCs, and also all the objects that were identified as candidate GCs in the past and were... -
Globular clusters as gravitational lenses
Based on the SDSS catalog, we have found new close quasar-galaxy pairs. We analyze the radial distribution of quasars from pairs around galaxies of different types. We show that... -
Identification and coordinates in M 53
Equatorial coordinates have been determined for 61 variables in the northern globular cluster M 53 and for 12 variables in the southern globular cluster NGC 2808 with accuracy... -
Identification and coordinates in M4
Accurate equatorial coordinates have been determined for 54 variable stars in the globular cluster M 4=NGC 6121. Cone search capability for table J/PAZh/22/847/table12... -
Photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6139
Photographic BV photometry has been performed for stars in the southern globular cluster NGC 6139. Equatorial coordinates have been determined for the ten variables recognized... -
Giant branch and variable stars in NGC 3201
Accurate equatorial coordinates have been determined for variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 3201. Results of photographic BV photometry are presented. Cone search...