Enabling Students to Understand Design-Based Research from their Different Pe...
The developments of the last two years illustrate the relevance of higher education research that supports practice in unexpected and even unprecedented situations, which depend... -
Opettajaopiskelijoiden haastatteluja elämän tarkoituksesta 2021
Aineisto koostuu Tampereen yliopiston opiskelijoiden haastatteluista liittyen elämän tarkoitukseen. Opiskelijat edustivat kaikkia kasvatustieteen ja kulttuurin tiedekunnan... -
Anketa o motivaciji za zaščito pred kibernetskimi napadi v visokem šolstvu, 2017
Namen raziskave je bil preučiti dejavnike, povezane z motivacijo za varovanje pred kibernetskimi napadi posameznikov v organizacijah. Cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti, kako so... -
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland (2021) The Student Survey in German...
„Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland” (2021) ist eine neu konzipierte Studie, die drei bisher separat durchgeführte Studierendenbefragungen integriert (Beuße et al., 2022):... -
Gruppenarbeit beim Programmieren lernen (GAPL) Group work in Learning Progra...
Das Forschungsprojekt „Digitales Programmieren im Team“ (DiP-iT) untersucht, wie kollaboratives Lernen im Informatikstudium didaktisch weiterentwickelt und mit digitalen Medien... -
Alumni van de Vakgroep Sociologie Groningen 1993
Information about the occupational careers of alumni of department Sociology of University of Groningen. Year of graduation / branch of study: policy or research /... -
Gebruikersonderzoek SURFnet 1995
Use of computers and computer networks by students and staff members of universities and colleges Scientific and non-scientific staff-members: having teaching tasks or not /... -
Replication Data for: A Three-Year Mixed Methods Study of Undergraduates’ Inf...
This data set contains the replication data and supplements for the article "Knowing, Doing, and Feeling: A three-year, mixed-methods study of undergraduates’ information... -
Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2002
Survey of the destinations of university graduates, graduates from teacher training courses of universitites included. Educational career / working experience / further... -
HEGESCO - Higher education as a generator of strategic competences.
A survey of higher education graduates in five East European countries, Lithunia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey.The project 'Higher Education as a Generator of Strategic... -
Fostering students' creative thinking skills by means of a one-year creativi...
The datasets contains all raw and analyzed data in the research described in the research paper by Gu and Colleagues. The paper aimed to test the effectiveness of a one-year... -
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1991
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and... -
Focus group study 2020: assessing interdiscplinary learning in the minor 'Hea...
This dataset contains the data as used in the research into the interdisciplinary minor called ‘Healthcare communication, management and organization’. A detailed description of... -
Verder studeren in de jaren negentig 1991-1997
Panelstudy concerning choices of pupils from different types of secondary schools (lbo-mavo-havo-vwo-mbo), and hbo- and university students during their educational career.... -
Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 1999
Survey of the destinations of university graduates/ graduates from teacher training courses of universities included. Educational career / working experience / further... -
REFLEX - REsearch into employment and professional FLExibility
A survey among higher education graduates in fifteen European countries.The REFLEX project focuses on three broad and interrelated questions: (1) which competencies are required... -
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1995
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and... -
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1999
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and... -
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2000
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and... -
Kamers en koppeling de effecten van een koppeling WSF/GBA op de kamermarkt vo...
Study on the consequences of linking the address data of the national provider of study loans (IBG) to the address data of the municipal registry office. In case two addresses...