Immigrants’ modes of incorporation in Spain. A multivariate quantitative appr...
Analysing immigrants’ incorporation patterns into host countries is essential for understanding social inequalities in contemporary societies. This study examines the living... -
High‑status individuals are held to higher ethical standards [Dataset]
Although there is evidence for the generosity of high‑status individuals, there seems to be a strong perception that the elites are selfish and contribute little to others’... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2
Tokratna raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, ki poteka v 21 državah in katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2004/2
Tokratna raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, ki bo potekal predvidoma v 25 državah in katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2019/2
Slovensko javno mnenje 2019/2 zajema 6 tematskih blokov, ki pokrivajo nacionalne in mednarodne raziskave: (1) Ocena zadovoljstva, (2) Stališča o neenakosti (ISSP), (3) Ogledalo... -
These data were collected as part of PushBackLash's Work Package on anti-gender discourses online to analyze anti-gender equality strategies on Twitter/X to develop typologies... -
The SOECBIAS-COVREF data set is an output of two research projects: The interdisciplinary research project SOECBIAS, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs... -
UNDPOLAR survey on threats, identities, and political polarization
This survey in nine European countries was intended to investigate the relations between threats, identities, and political polarisation. Data was collected using online... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
Umweltgerechtigkeit – Soziale Verteilungsmuster, Gerechtigkeits- einschätzun...
Die soziale Verteilung von Umweltbelastungen und wie diese von der Bevölkerung beurteilt wird, sind zentrale Themen der Umweltgerechtigkeitsforschung. Diese und andere Aspekte... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality - B (Welle 1)
To develop a better understanding how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality - April 2020
To develop a better understanding how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona (COVID-19) crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of... -
Replication Data for: "Enforcement may crowd out voluntary support for Covid1...
How does enforcement affect citizens’ support for anti-Covid-19 policies? A survey conducted with 4,799 respondents towards the end of the first lockdown in Germany suggests... -
Ungleichheit und direkte Demokratie Europa
Deutsch: Auf die inkludierende Wirkung (neuer) Partizipationsformen, wie beispielsweise direktdemokratische Verfahren, wurden zeitweise große Hoffnungen gesetzt. Diese... -
Ungleichheit und direkte Demokratie
Deutsch: Auf die inkludierende Wirkung (neuer) Partizipationsformen, wie beispielsweise direktdemokratische Verfahren, wurden zeitweise große Hoffnungen gesetzt. Diese... -
Replication files: Inequality, Macroeconomic Performance and Political Polari...
Eine detaillierte Beschreibung des replication packages befindet sich in der Zip-Datei "Replication_package.zip", welches aus den Daten (data), Ergebnissen (output) und Code... -
COVID-19 and Social Inequality – A (Welle 3)
To develop a better understanding of how people in Germany handle the social and political consequences of the Corona (COVID-19) crisis, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics... -
Personaleinsatz aktiv gestalten
Im Rahmen des durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Sonderforschungsbereichs 882 „Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten“ wurde die qualitative... -
Inequality Barometer - Welle 2020
The Inequality Barometer is a representative online survey first conducted in Germany in 2020. It examines individual perceptions of different aspects of inequality and social... -
High‑status individuals are held to higher ethical standards [Dataset]
Although there is evidence for the generosity of high‑status individuals, there seems to be a strong perception that the elites are selfish and contribute little to others’...