Quantum critical dynamics in the presence of disorder
Quantum phase transitions are abrupt qualitative changes of a system's groundstate occurring only at exactly zero temperature. Such critical points - although never reachable... -
LET commisioning
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Further crystal field excitation data for pyrochlore zirconates.
Nd2Zr2O7 (NZO), synthesized and supplied to us by Tokura and Onose, is a new candidate spin ice while Pr2Zr2O7 (PZO) if anything even more promising is supplied to us by... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking in superconducting PrOs4Sb12 and its alloys
In 2005 we carried out muon spin relaxation (muSR) experiments in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 alloys at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, to investigate the time-reversal symmetry breaking found in... -
Decomposition studies of Li(1-x)NaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3 and Li3Na(ND2)4
We ask for 3 days on GEM to study in-situ the decomposition of the Na-substituted LiNH2 phases, Li1-xNaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3, Li3Na(ND2)4 and their reactions with LiD. LiNH2 is the... -
The role of zero-point fluctuations in a quantum-disordered spin-dimer compound
Recently a great deal of theoretical and experimental interest has been directed at a class of magnetic materials which undergo phase transitions at zero temperature. These... -
Measurement of struture of liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen at 1bar
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Phonon Density of States in Nanocrystalline YAG:Cr
Here we propose to measure the phonon density of states in nanocrystalline samples of YAG:Cr. Our parallel luminscence measurements have revealed dramatic changes in the phonon... -
Polymer-surfactant films containing glucose sensors and structure directing p...
This proposal continues our research on mesostructured surfactant templated polymer films. The films are robust and form spontaneously at the air-water interface. Recent... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study in geometrically frustrated magnet BaV10O15.
In orbitally degenerated triangular system it is predicted that orbital ordering and associated local magnetic trimerization to remove frustration. In BaV10O15 lattice... -
Powder diffraction studies under high deuterium pressure
The aims of the experiment are (1) to obtain structural data for the model hydrogen storage intermetallic LaNi5 under a deuterium pressure of 3000 bar at cryogenic temperatures,... -
Studies of Muon-Beam-Induced currents in semi-imsulating GaAs
This proposal is a continuation of our recent proposal RB 610004 where this partcurrent measurements) was not completed due to the reduced beam intensity. Currents experiment... -
Aggregation behaviour of aqueous hairy rod conjugated polyelectrolyte/surfact...
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) will be used to characterise the structures of aggregates formed between the anionic conjugated polyelectrolyte... -
A SANS Study on the Influence of Shear on Peptide Fibrillisation
Time-resolved SANS will be performed to investigate the effect of shear on the fibrillisation of insulin following denaturation. The rheological response will be measured... -
RF decoupling of the F-mu-F state
NMR has become an extremely sophisticated experimental technique because of the use of pulse sequences which allow the control and manipulation of a nuclear spin system or...