Race, Market Size, Segregation and Subsequent Opportunities for Former NFL He...
This study examines subsequent head coach opportunities for former National Football League (NFL) head coaches. Descriptive statistics indicate that Black former NFL head... -
Phases of Crisis between the School System and the Public Employment System
“During the 19th and 20th century there were repeated discrepancies concerning the claims of validity of the school graduates and university graduates and the provided... -
Academic Careers in Prussia and in Germany 1850 to 1945
Under the title “Data Handbook of Academic Careers between 1850-1945”, this study aims at the publication and analysis of data concerning the individual steps of six great... -
Demografischer Wandel und der Arbeitsmarkt des öffentlichen Sektors
Der demographische Wandel stellt ein zentrales Zukunftsproblem von fortgeschrittenen Gesellschaften dar und droht, die Entwicklung von Transformationsgesellschaften negativ zu... -
Arbeitsmarkt in Bewegung: Rückkehr zum alten Arbeitgeber
Die qualitative Befragung entlassener und wieder eingestellter Beschäftigter wurde im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten... -
Retraining the Workforce (Branches of the Economy and Regions with Particular...
Problems of retraining the workforce in branches of the economy and regions with particular structure problems. Retrainees as well as a comparison group were interviewed on... -
CompNet dataset,/ 7th vintage
The 7th Vintage of CompNet dataset represents an unbalanced panel dataset which covers 19 European countries. This provides researchers with a dataset for cross-country studies... -
Wage Performance of Immigrants in Germany
This paper updates and deepens our understanding of the wage performance of immigrants in Germany. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel, it documents that immigrant workers...