Spatial layers supporting the revised nomination proforma for the North Atlan...
This dataset is a compilation of spatial layers and scientific data underpinning the 2022-23 revision of the nomination proforma for the "North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Sea... -
Antisemitische Einstellungen bei jungen Menschen in Deutschland. Befunde repr...
Es werden Ergebnisse aus zwei Erhebungswellen der bundesweit repräsentativen Befragungen vorgestellt, die im Rahmen der MOTRA-Studie "Junge Menschen in... -
Antisemitische Einstellungen bei jungen Menschen in Deutschland. Befunde repr...
Es werden Ergebnisse aus zwei Erhebungswellen der bundesweit repräsentativen Befragungen vorgestellt, die im Rahmen der MOTRA-Studie "Junge Menschen in... -
Replication Data for: Individual Choices of Wintering Areas Drive Adult Survi...
This dataset contains different supplementary material of Genovart et al. 2024, "Individual choices of wintering areas drive adult survival heterogeneity in a long-lived... -
Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen. Survey mit geflüchteten und an...
Das Projekt ‚Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen‘, kurz: WeGe, wurde von April 2017 bis März 2021 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der... -
Demographical files on Castilian emigrants and recurring migrants (1598-1621)
Migration movements between Castile (Spain) and Spanish America Date Submitted: 2007-02-02 -
HELLO CAMPANIA! Philippines Collection
The Philippines collection contains data for 66 speakers: 32 first generation (G1), 28 second generation (G2), 6 homeland (G0). The collection contains three folders for each... -
Ukrainian War Refugees as Self-Translators Dataset
Data from a questionnaire survey conducted from 2022-08-25 to 2022-11-15 and exploring the use of machine translation by Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. The presented... -
The Use of Machine Translation by Ukrainian War Refugees in Czechia
Data from a questionnaire survey conducted from 2022-08-25 to 2022-11-15 and exploring the use of machine translation by Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. The presented... -
Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain
Raw data and matlab scripts used for the manuscript: 'Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain' published in Nature Communications (2023). Please... -
The Stratification and Level of Living Survey in Yugoslavia, 1987
Zajeti so demografski podatki o očetu in materi respondenta, kot so poklic, narodnost in izobrazba, primerni za analizo socialnega izvora, družbene stratifikacije in mobilnosti.... -
Registrski popis 2011
Registrski popis 2011 je eno od statističnih raziskovanj rednega dela programa statističnih raziskovanj, ki jih izvaja Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS). Registrski... -
Stanovanjska anketa 2005
Stanovanjska anketa 2005 daje posnetek stanja in trendov na področju stanovanjske oskrbe gospodinjstev v Sloveniji. Skuša artikulirati ključna sodobna razvojna vprašanja... -
Spoznavni zemljevid Slovenije
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 1291 prebivalcev Slovenije (standardni reprezentativni vzorec okrepljen po pokrajinah). Vprašalnik je vseboval 54 enostavnih in sestavljenih vprašanj,... -
Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen. Interviews mit Mitarbeiter*inn...
Das Projekt ‚Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen‘, kurz: WeGe, wurde von April 2017 bis März 2021 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der... -
VALU 2024 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning Europaparlamentsvalet 2024
This exit poll survey was carried out at the European parliament election 2024 by Sveriges Television (SVT) in collaboration with researchers at the Division of Safety Research,... -
Demography in the province of Holland, 17th-19th centuries
This dataset contains several files which have in common that they contain data on the historical demography of cities or regions in the Dutch province of Holland between the... -
Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Indemnity Acts
The dataset contains data taken from indemnity acts (acten van cautie) for the period 1732 – 1785 of the city of Leiden. Date: 2011-06-20 N.B. This dataset contained until July... -
Habitation of houses in Leiden, 19th and 20th centuries
This dataset concerns habitation of houses in the inner city of Leiden in the period 1890-1899 and 1930-1940. Focal point of the research was the relation between macro-economic... -
Migrants from the Netherlands to Pella, Iowa, 1846-1880
The dataset was created for research on the Hollandisch roots of Pella Dutch in Iowa. The dataset is a prosoprography of 2660 Dutch migrants who emigrated to Pella, Iowa in the...