Registrski popis 2011


Registrski popis 2011 je eno od statističnih raziskovanj rednega dela programa statističnih raziskovanj, ki jih izvaja Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS). Registrski popis je način priprave podatkov o prebivalstvu, gospodinjstvih, družinah in stanovanjih, pri katerem statistično povežemo podatke iz obstoječih administrativnih in statističnih virov brez dodatnega zbiranja na terenu. S prehodom na registrski popis se je Slovenija pridružila redkim evropskim državam, ki so tak način zbiranja in obdelave podatkov o prebivalstvu, gospodinjstvih in stanovanjih že izvedle z namenom zmanjšati administrativne ovire in znižati stroške raziskovanja. Deinvidualizirane mikropodatkovne datoteke, dostopne v varovanem okolju Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije, obsegajo celotno populacijo in večino originalnih spremenljivk Registrskega popisa 2011.

The register-based census 2011 is one of the regular statistical surveys conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Registered-based census is a method of producing data on population, households, families and dwellings by the statistical linking together existent administrative and statistical data sources without using fieldwork enumeration. With the transition to the register-based census, Slovenia joined few European countries that had already implemented this way of collecting and processing data on population, households and dwellings to reduce the administrative burden and lower research expenses. Deinvidualized microdata, available in safe environment of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, include the whole population and the majority of original variables of Register Census 2011.

Zajeta celotna populacijaTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration

Total universe/Complete enumerationTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration

Kompilacija/sintezaUrejanje, združevanje in obdelava administrativnih podatkov.CompilationSynthesis

Compilation/SynthesisEditing, linking and processing administrative data.CompilationSynthesis

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Statistični urad Republike Slovenije; Statistični urad Republike Slovenije = Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov; Statistični urad Republike Slovenije; Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives; Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Državni proračun Republike Slovenije je na podlagi Zakona o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/1995) financiral vse aktivnosti v okviru Letnega programa statističnih raziskovanj 2011; Based on the Law on National Statistics, all the activities, listed in the Annual Program of Statistical Surveys 2011, are financed by the National Budget of the Republic of Slovenia.
Rights ADP, 2024; Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type ŠtevilskiNumeric; NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Ozemlje Republike Slovenije; Territory of the Republic of Slovenia; Slovenija; Slovenia