The role of chirality on polymeric membrane lytic activity
The human body has a well developed membrane chemistry which allows transport of fluids and salts whilst preventing other molecules and harmful agents from penetrating the cell.... -
Protein nanosheets assembled structures at the air-water interfaces for cell ...
Cell adhesion and proliferation at the surface of liquids such as oil droplets is a surprising phenomenon as it is typically accepted in the field of bioengineering that cells... -
Solubilisation of Drug Molecules in Nonionic Surfactant Micelles: Structural ...
This proposal aims to understand how the structure of non-ionic surfactant micelles affects the amount of fungicides solubilised. SANS is a technique unique for unravelling the... -
Antibody-polysorbate surface interactions
Of concern to the bioprocessing industry is the manner in which polysorbates included in solution formulations of antibodies affect the kinetics and equilibrium state of...