Absolute electron transport rates of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax after exposu...
In the exponential growth phase, electron transport rates irradiance curves were conducted applying 10 irradiances from 0 up to ~1900 μmol photons m-2 s-1 for 5 min for each... -
Growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiological parame...
The effect of different light intensities (20, 100 and 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on the growth response, toxin/pigment/nutrient content and photophysiology of Alexandrium... -
Indoor laboratory experiment testing the effect of different nitrogen sources...
The effect of different nitrogen sources (N-deplete, NO3-, NH4+, Urea) on the growth response and toxin content of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, isolated in 2020 from the Danish... -
Pigment content of intertidal temperate seagrass Zostera marina from Rimouski...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Photosynthetic efficiency and capacity of intertidal temperate seagrass Zoste...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Primary production of intertidal temperate seagrass Zostera marina from Rimou...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Light absorption of intertidal temperate seagrass Zostera marina from Rimousk...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Photophysiolgical parameters of Phaeocystis antarctica after exposure to diff...
Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements were performed using a Fast Repetition Rate fluorometer (FRRf) coupled to a FastAct Laboratory system (FastOcean PTX, both from Chelsea... -
Absolute electron transport rates with increasing irradiance of Phaeocystis a...
At the end of the experiment, electron transport rates irradiance curves were conducted applying 8 irradiances from 0 up to ~400 μmol photons m-2 s-1 for 5 min for each light... -
Concentrations of total dissolved iron and dissolved manganese measured for t...
Total dissolved Fe (dFe) and Mn (dMn) concentrations were determined in the culture medium (without cells). To this end, 100 mL of seawater were filtered through HCl-cleaned... -
Intracellular trace metals content of iron and manganese of Phaeocystis antar...
For determination of the cellular trace metal content, at the end of the experiment 400 mL of water were filtered onto 0.2 μm TMC-cleaned polycarbonate filters (EMD Millipore,... -
Cell growth and Particulate Organic Carbon / Nitrogen content of Phaeocystis ...
Cell counts and POC/PON content of P.antartica for the 4 different treatments were determined at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. The cell density and size were... -
Photophysiological data of the arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas pusilla
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Cellular composition of the arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas pusilla
This dataset has no description
Pelagic and ice-associated microalgae under elevated light and pCO2: Contrast...
Laboratory experiment on acclimated physiological responses of the Arctic diatoms Thalassiosira hyalina and Melosira arctica towards elevated irradiance (50 vs 300 µmol photons... -
Effects of bottom-up factors (N-source and light) on growth and toxin content...
The effect of different nitrogen sources (Experiment 1: N-deplete, NO3-, NH4+, Urea) and different light intensities (Experiment 2: 20, 100 and 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on the... -
Elemental composition of the Southern Ocean key species Phaeocystis antarctic...
An Fe-Mn bottle addition experiment was conducted in the laboratory to investigate the importance of manganese (Mn) next to iron (Fe) for growth, photophysiological adaptation... -
The Arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas pusilla benefits from Ocean Acidification...
Compared to the rest of the globe, the Arctic Ocean is affected disproportionately by climate change. Despite these fast environmental changes, we currently know little about... -
Subcellular to shoot-scale photoacclimation of intertidal temperate seagrass ...
The dataset compiles pigment content, absorptance data, photosynthetic parameters and primary production data as proxies for summertime photoacclimation of the temperate... -
KOSMOS mesocosm experiment Gran Canaria 2019 on testing the effect of nutrien...
In this study we investigated the effect of artificial upwelling with different Si:N ratios on a natural oligotrophic plankton community. Data on primary production, flow...