The dataset compiles pigment content, absorptance data, photosynthetic parameters and primary production data as proxies for summertime photoacclimation of the temperate intertidal eelgrass Zostera marina after a 25-day exposure to a natural light intensity gradient (6, 36, 74, 133, 355, 503 and 860 µmol photons/m²/s) under laboratory conditions at the Pointe-au-Père research station, East Rimouski, Quebec, Canada. The data bundle contains: 1) photosynthetic and total absorptance data at the end of the experiment, which respectively represent the fraction of incident visible light absorbed by the photosynthetic tissues corrected and not corrected for non-photosynthetic absorption; 2) pigment content at the end of the experiment, which includes chlorophyll a and b and total carotenoids contents; 3) photosynthetic parameters obtained by Rapid Light Curves (RLC) on days 5 and 25, including photosynthetic apparatus efficiency (alpha), capacity (ETRmax) and saturation (Ek); 4) whole shoot primary production at the end of the experiment, which was calculated from oxygen fluxes under light and dark conditions, and normalized by leaf surface.