Distance from a Distance: The Robustness of Psychological Distance Effects [D...
Psychological distance effects have attracted the attention of behavioral economists in the context of descriptive modeling and behavioral policy. Indeed, psychological distance... -
Background data for: Some obstacles to replication in corpus linguistics
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences and frequencies of modal verbs in the Brown family corpora; nine modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, shall,... -
Source-code and datasets for: Performance-based pay and limited information a...
Content The provided content consists of two parts: First, the code of the agent-based simulation model (in the folder "Model") and, second, the data that is generated using the... -
Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring...
Contains all scripts and datastes to reproduce results from the paper. To reproduce results from all figures and tables, run the master-script "analyses_master.R" in R and go to... -
The Ghosts of HeLa: How cell line misidentification contaminates the scientif...
Web of Science search key to reproduce search results in the publication via the Web of Science online interface. AbstractWhile problems with cell line misidentification have... -
Histone variant macroH2A1 regulates synchronous firing of replication origins...
MacroH2A has been linked to transcriptional silencing, cell identity, and is a hallmark of the inactive X chromosome (Xi). However, it remains unclear whether macroH2A plays a... -
Distance from a Distance: The Robustness of Psychological Distance Effects [D...
Psychological distance effects have attracted the attention of behavioral economists in the context of descriptive modeling and behavioral policy. Indeed, psychological distance... -
Does paid parental leave affect children's schooling outcomes? Replicating Da...
Replication material for "Does paid parental leave affect children's schooling outcomes? Replicating Danzer and Lavy (2018)" by Claudia Troccoli, Journal of Applied... -
Narrow and wide replication of Chalfin and McCrary (REStat, 2018) (replicatio...
This repository consists of the code and data required to replicate the paper "Narrow and wide replication of Chalfin and McCrary (REStat, 2018)" by Federico Crudu and Advait... -
Replication of tudor Coin Making - 24ct cast
Replication of tudor Coin Making - 24ct cast -
Replication of Tudor Coin making - 22ct struck
Replication of Tudor Coin making - 22ct struck -
Replication of tudor coin making - 24ct struck
Replication of tudor coin making - 24ct struck -
Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redis...
Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their... -
Dynamic shrinkage in time‐varying parameter stochastic volatility in mean mod...
Successful forecasting models strike a balance between parsimony and flexibility. This is often achieved by employing suitable shrinkage priors that penalize model complexity... -
Revisiting gender identity and relative income within households: A cautionar...
We show that Bertrand et al.'s (QJE, 2015, ) finding of a sharp drop in the relative income distribution within married couples at the point where wives start to earn more than... -
Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2010
Data and code for Roodman replication and reanalysis of Bleakley (2010), "Malaria Eradication in the Americas: A Retrospective Analysis of Childhood Exposure." *** This data... -
Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2007
Data and code for Roodman replication and reanalysis of Bleakley (2007), "Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South." -
The KiVa Anti-Bullying Program in the Netherlands: Waves 1-5
Codebook of the implementation and evaluation of the KiVa-antibullying program in the Netherlands -
Experimental data for: Replicating the Strength-is-Weakness Effect Using the ...
This data package contains (meta) data, analysis scripts, and relevant documents for the project: Replicating the Strength-is-Weakness Effect Using the Online Coalition Game... -
No evidence of rhythmic visuospatial attention at cued locations in a spatial...
Recent evidence suggests that visuospatial attention is not sustained but fluctuates in a rhythmic fashion, sampling location after location in each cycle of this rhythm....