Encapsulation in Mixed Cat-anionic Surfactant Polymer Films
This proposal continues our investigations into polyelectrolyte-surfactant films at the air-solution interface. Using mixtures of cationic and anionic surfactants (CTAB/SDS) we... -
Cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions in Ru4+ double perovskites
The aim of the proposed experiment is to use HRPD to follow the temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the double perovskites La2MgRuO6 and La2CoRuO6. This is of... -
Time Resolved Studies on Inorganic Film Formation at the Air-Solution Interface
In a recent SURF experiment on the formation of silica films templated with cat-anionic/polymer complexes we found that the film growth and evolution occurs on a faster time... -
Crystal structures and magnetic order in metal/ammonia intercalates of FeSe
This is a proposal to determine the magnetic structures of the Rb/NH3 and K/NH3 intercalates of FeSe. These compounds exhibit superconductivity when freshly prepared, but... -
Incorporation of PAN-pyrene swollen micelles in crosslinked polyelectrolyte f...
We have been studying the formation of solid polymer-surfactant films at the air-solution interface formed from cationic surfactants with PEI. We wish to use the micelles... -
Density-driven structural transformations in calcium silicate glass
The density-driven structural transformations in the calcium silicate glass CaSiO3 will be investigated at pressures increasing to 17.5 GPa. This glass is one of a family of... -
CaTiO3 cooling from 291 K 30-130 ms jaws 15*20
This dataset has no description
The hydration and ordering of lamellar block copolymer films prior to the for...
The key to the use of polymer vesicles as effective molecular delivery systems is in the ability to efficiently encapsulate a molecular payload within the vesicle. We would like... -
Competing degenrate magnetic states in Ba1-xNaxFe2As2
Magnetic and superconducting ground states have been proposed to coexist in a relatively narrow compositional range in the so-called 122 pnictide superconductors. We recently... -
Structure and magnetic properties of Sr4Fe6O12
Despite many previous attempts, Sr4Fe6O12 (the expected fully reduced composition for Sr4Fe6O13-x) has not been synthesised. It is of interest because it is believed to contain... -
Quantum magnetism in lanthanide gallium garnet magnetocaloric materials
Geometrically frustrated lanthanide gallium garnets find practical applications as low temperature magnetocalorics, but the competing interactions in these materials may give... -
Structural Studies of Li(ND3)n11BD4
On exposure to ammonia, Li(11)BD4 forms the ammoniate Li(11)BD4(ND3)n. Our recent experiment (RB820252) has shown that there are four distinct crystalline phases in the... -
Structural phase diagram of rare earth substituted multiferroic BiFeO3 - revi...
BiFeO3 is the most widely studied multiferroic and rare earth doping overcomes problems associated with phase metastability and leakage which have hampered applications. We... -
Alpha-CaCr2O4: magnetic study of a new case of triangulaire Cr-lattice
We propose to study a layered oxide in which chromium cations describe a triangular array. Itseems us that no magnetic data are reported up to now for this alpha-CaCr2O4...